29 November 2011

Like Model Railroads?

There are two model railroad clubs in the basement of Denver's Union Station, the Denver Society of Model Railroaders and the Platte Valley & Western Model Railroad Club.

The Denver Society of Model Railroaders runs the Colorado Midland O Gauge Route which they have done for over seventy years. The public can watch them run trains on their 6500 square feet of track the last Friday of every month and during their open houses. The next open house is this Saturday (Dec. 3) from 2 to 5 pm. In their extensive space, the Colorado Midland represents several different eras as well as each region of Colorado.

The Platte Valley and Western Railroad invites people to join them every Friday evening although they do not run trains every Friday. On some Fridays they invite people to see how their setup is maintained. Their business meetings are also open to the public. When they do run trains for an open house, usually twice a month, they run a lot of trains, just like a real railroad would. Their holiday open house is going to be on Saturday, December 17 from 9 am to 4 pm.

People may only go into the basement of Union Station when the clubs are open. Open houses may be rescheduled or cancelled when Union Station is remodeled.

The picture above is from the PVWRR and the video below is from Colorado Midland.

24 November 2011

How Much Will Losing the Tower Line Cost Us?

Four short-line railroads in Kansas save that state $49 million a year in road repair costs. The smallest of those saves the state almost $2.5 million annually.

I bring these statistics up because Colorado may be losing the last remnants of the Towner Line forever. The VS Railroad is in the process of buying the line, and there is evidence that they are buying it solely to tear up the tracks and sell them for scrap. VS has already stopped operating the line west of Eads which has caused Kiowa County to lose $6.5 million over the last three years. And the steel in the rails is worth more than what VS is paying for the line, so they may have little incentive to keep the line intact.

It also goes without saying that trucks do not have to fully fund the roads they go over, unlike rail companies which must fully fund their basic infrastucture.

But here is the thing, if we cannot afford to maintain this rail line, how are we going to find the extra money to fund our roads? How are we going to replace the tax revenues lost from the industry that we lose? What happens if there are not enough trucks to get our grain to market? Colorado needs to be expanding the ways that we move our food to market, not reducing them.

(I would like to thank Evan Stair of Passenger Rail Kansas for the Kansas stats. A variety of studies, but unfortunately not the one that provided my statistic, can be reached by going to the KDOT home page and clicking where it says "Rail Maps & Publications".)

17 November 2011

Vindication by Train by Elia Fisher

It seems that more than ever these days nearly every person has a profound opinion about the state of our local, regional, and national affairs. The disquiet stems from Main Street to Wall Street, exists from the front lawn of my house to your house to the White House and all points in between. Public distrust of our central council and regional governments has been demonstrated on sidewalks, inside of beltways, overheard on the outside patio of coffee shops, and expressed over the airwaves of talk radio communities in almost every corner of the US.

Personal responsibility and proactive ownership on the other hand seems far less exercised. This, too, has been greatly demonstrated to the extreme by the American citizenry. From the occasional motorist sporting a “Pro-Life” bumper sticker on the back of his or her Ford Excursion while barreling carelessly down the roadway at high speeds to the self-professed libertarian who views “free” curbside parking as a non-government-subsidized public entitlement (like there is such a thing) to the anti-corporate, pro-tax human rights activists who demand impunity for undocumented immigrants to the hard working blue collar unionist who does all of his weekly shopping at a multinational big-box merchant, it seems that society is as equally rich in hypocrisy as it is in opinion.

Undoubtedly the biggest cause of pollution, human illness, social injustice, the weakening condition of our national security, our ever inflating health care costs, and our economic stagnation is America‘s love affair with the car. The impacts of the “private” automobile has been hugely ignored by the many modern Americans as equally as much as the many benefits of taking public transportation have been greatly overlooked.

Personally, I feel that the most powerful way to bring about change is to take unspoken action, like the lifestyle Christians and the Ralph Naders of this country tend to do. So where can the average person like me find a magic fulcrum for taking action and fostering great change in our country? Right at our front doorstep in the buses and trains that run in front of our own house or apartment.

A Gallup poll released earlier this year found that at least 3 out of every 4 Americans are highly concerned about “contamination by of soil and water by toxic waste”. This is in spite of the fact that many of them don’t mind or either don’t bother to care about their own heavy contribution to the rising cancer rates in many Canadian cities, towns, and villages that have been caused by the mining of oil sands. Canada is, after all, America’s biggest supplier of the crude that we use to fuel our automobiles. In several places affected by the steam extraction of the Athabasca oil sands, some cancer rates are 30% higher than the Canadian average. But I guess if it is not happening to us, we shouldn’t care, right? Well at least that seems to be the prevailing attitude. To me that is a prime example of the usual double standard.

Throughout the past decade, several US senators and house members have introduced bills calling for the issuance of an official apology to American Indians for the wrong-doings committed throughout the past. Strangely, these same lawmakers have recently and continually voted in favor of opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to the interests of big oil. Offering an apology for destroying an ancient, God-given lifestyle while simultaneously opening their land to exploitation is a moot gesture to say the least. Like many parents tell their kids, sorry is a sorry word- the best way to apologize is to refrain from repeating the guilty offense. Therefore if an elected official wants to truly apologize for the near extermination of the American buffalo and the resulting ultra-high diabetes rates and chemical addictions (also now linked to non-paleo diets) that are found among the today’s remaining indigenous Great Plains cultures, he or she should instead prove that they really care for aboriginal people by protecting the moose, caribou, and salmon that Alaskan Natives and Canadian First Nations still subsist on today. One way to do this would be to invest in a national train system instead of highway infrastructure and the billions of dollars worth of big oil subsidies that have gone along with it. Together with keeping oil companies out of the remaining traditional hunting grounds, this would be a sincere act of contrition.

And for you Tea Party activists out there, I am sorry to say that you have not escaped the scope on this one. Those of you who have criticized the government are often just as guilty of double standard thinking as the next guy over. As you often and rightfully suggest, nothing in this world is free. To exist costs money. And it would only be right to enact a tax strategy that lowers national spending and eases the taxpayer burden, right? Well, if you didn’t know, an investment is when you use capital to save capital. May I ask if you have missed the multitudes of independent studies throughout the last several decades that have proven rail’s cost effectiveness over air and highway travel?

There is a special magic in public transit that holds a golden benefit for everyone. I could go on and on about how taking the bus or train can improve the world in which we live, but instead I encourage you as an individual to look into the power that it beholds.

So in all the confusion it should be good to know that changing the world really is easy. Whether you are a private citizen with a bumper sticker on your vehicle that reads, “Live simply so that other may simply live”, or are an elected public official who is an extreme hardcore national security hawk, right now is your opportunity to mean what you say by exchanging your hippy hotrod Volkswagen or gas guzzling pickup truck for a transit pass. Actions speak far louder than words.

The next you want to help preserve the culture of an indigenous American community, limit your environmental footprint, or take a stand against a government that is hostile to western society, get out of your car and get onto a train. The time for concerned citizens to reevaluate the worth of public transportation is here and is way overdue.Just a simple observation from a commonsense independent voter.

13 November 2011

RTD Customer Panel is looking for participants

Want to give your input to RTD and get free transit service? RTD is looking for participants for the 2012 Customer Panel. The RTD website describes this a discussion group, but I suspect that participants mostly fill out surveys and answer questions from RTD staff members. The group meets four times a year on Wednesday at 5:15 pm at RTD's offices at 1600 Blake Street. Participants get a Regional monthly pass for each meeting they attend. Participants who attend all four meetings get a free Eco Pass for all of 2013.

Application deadline is December 16. You can fill out an application online.

I just applied; I hope you do too.

Update: If you apply, you get two free Regional bus tickets.

06 November 2011

Organizing to Defend the Southwest Chief

The City of La Junta is working to organize a grassroots effort to get funding to keep the Southwest Chief on its current route. That means keeping it in Colorado as well as in southwestern Kansas and in northeastern New Mexico to Albuquerque. The first meeting is:

Tuesday, November 10
2 to 4 pm
La Junta City Hall
601 Colorado Avenue
The meeting is happening at this time so that people can come from the east on train 3 and then go home on train 4. City Hall is five blocks south of the Amtrak station. Just look for Colorado Avenue when you leave the station area.

If this is a genuine grassroots effort, they should be able to find the money. Lakewood spent $7 million widening 4 blocks of road; I would much rather that we spent that money on something that I would actually use.