Social Action for Transit

How would you spend $1.8 billion?

Sunday, July 29 at 2 pm (We will be there by 1:30, if not earlier.)
Holy Transfiguration of Christ Cathedral
349 E. 47th Avenue
Denver, CO
Bus: This location is a ten minute walk from both the 8 and the 12.

Here is the report from our first major meeting:

Social Action for Transit had our second meeting on Saturday, March 10 at the offices of the Colorado Center for Law and Policy.

Here is what we discussed and what we came up with:

Name and one thing you know

We’ve got to tie transportation to other needs and issues.
The D line could run better.
To keep your seat at the table, you have to show up.
People scream more about other issues.
Discussion: What should we work on?
Improve light rail service.
Rearrange the light rail schedule.
Increase membership.
Do educational meetings.(“What do we do about high gas prices?”.)
Fix the disparity in funding between highways and transit.
Next steps - Please let me know if you would like to help with any of these things.
Attend RTD/FasTracks meetings 
Hand out flyers
Take pictures of buses and trains for flyers and website
Co-sponsor a movie at the Crossroads Theater
Report back on the I-70 Cooperative Effort
We may start a Yahoo group so that people can communicate outside of meetings.