26 February 2012

Help Raise Money for Rail along the Front Range

Front Range on Track Spring Fundraiser
Sunday, March 4
2-3 Overview of possible rail along the Front Range
3-5 music by Futaba, silent auction, and munchies
Avogadro's Number
605 S. Mason, Fort Collins
$5 (doubled to $10 by anonymous donor)
There are no buses in Fort Collins on Sunday. ???? (Someone needs to do something about that.

18 February 2012

RTD Board Not Considering All Options

Wednesday, February 22 at 6 pm (Doors open at 5 pm)
Omni Interlocken Resort
500 Interlocken Boulevard
There is no bus service to this location, but a shuttle will run from the Church Ranch ParknRide from 5 pm.

There is going to be a public meeting this Wednesday where RTD will try to justify the three alternatives that they have chosen, even though they are not considering some of the very good alternatives. I wonder who is going to get in front of that crowd and claim to be an "expert".

Just so that everyone knows, it is possible to construct a rail line to Longmont that almost completely avoids BNSF tracks. More details to follow.

14 February 2012

Possible Bus Riders Union in Denver?

Someone else is also organizing around issues of service cuts and harassment of bus riders. Veronica Garcia is hosting the following meeting:

Making the Case: The People of Denver vs. RTD
Thursday, February 16 at 6 pm
Colorado Progressive Coalition Conference Room
1029 Santa Fe, Denver
Bus: 1, 9
Also within walking distance of the 16 and the 10th and Osage light rail station. I have been advised that if you are walking back late, walk in a small group. Hopefully, this will not be a problem coming from a transit users meeting.

Daniel Kim of LA's Labor Community/Strategy Center will talk a little about the Los Angeles Bus Riders Union and will screen a short documentary about their efforts followed by a Q & A session.

10 February 2012

US House Ways and Means Committee cuts money to public transit

Since the Reagan administration, some of our fuel tax dollars have gone toward buses and trains, mostly buses. While federal fuel tax money is a small part of some transit agency's budgets, others get as much as 20% of their money from this source. Unfortunately, the current bill reauthorizing the fuel tax, HR 3864 would end using fuel tax money for buses and trains. It seems to replace $25 billion with $40 billion, but in it is replacing a dedicated $25 billion each year with $40 billion for infinity. In fact, the new Alternative Transportation Account is not guaranteed to ever come into existence by this bill.

The good news is that our opponents know that they are trying to pull a fast one on the American public. That is why the bill is not clear. That is why two Republican members of the House Ways and Means Committee voted against this bill. That is why when I called the office of that committee, the staff pretended that they did not know what was happening.

We need to keep dedicated revenues going to buses and trains. We need to keep at least 10% of highway funds going to other forms of transportation.


03 February 2012

Good Train Porn

The number one reason to watch Amtrak: The First 40 Years 1971-2011 are the magnificent shots of various trains. The film does a good job of showing how well trains run in the snow as well as how attractive they are when they do it. Second are the short videos of people speaking about their experiences with the train. Among others, former Denver Mayor Wellington Webb speaks. Most of these videos are from interviews, but some are historical. One of the most interesting was one by President Richard Nixon. When he accepted his nomination as the GOP presidential candidate, he talked about how as a child the train represented all the places he might go. He said that he hoped that other children would also be able to be inspired by train whistles to dream of far away places. The train has taken people in my own family to new lives.

Of course he then almost vetoed the creation of Amtrak which would have made the US the largest country without a national passenger rail network. One of the problems that Amtrak had was the poor state of passenger rail service in this country at the time that Amtrak was formed. The companies that kept running passenger trains had a tendency to be the ones with the better equipment. Even though many routes stopped running, Amtrak had a hard time just getting enough decent cars and locomotives for what they did operate. (The video spends a little too much time on equipment.)

For much of the video, the narrator intrudes on the flow of the video. People have a tendency to think that telling people things is more effective than showing them, when the opposite is the case. But the narrator does say one thing that must be said directly. Cutting train service by 50% does not cut costs by 50%. Railroads are an investment. If they are underfunded, than the full potential of that investment cannot be realized.

I especially enjoyed hearing Paul Reistrup, Amtrak President 1974-1978, speak. I would have like to hear more about his backround. He is one who is responsible for much of the equipment that we ride on today. He also made it possible to get heating and air conditioning into all the trains by 1981. He was followed by an Amtrak president who concentrated on training the people who worked for Amtrak.

The third reason to watch this video is to learn about the history of Amtrak, and I would recommend it to anyone who does not know that history. The film also gives a taste of what could be happening in the future by showing how service in North Carolina has improved recently and how the state wants rail to be an ever more important part of our transportation infrastructure.

Fourth, it shows how Amtrak connects communities, especially small towns.

This film could benefit from less of a conservative slant and from a little more edge, and I would have liked to hear from a greater variety of voices, including more women. It is still worth watching.

And you can do so at the next ColoRail meeting:

Saturday, February 25 at 9:30 am
Central Denver Presbyterian Church
1660 Sherman
Bus: 20
The church is within walking distance of Civic Center Station and the free mall shuttle as well as the 15 and 15L.

(Thanks to Richard Luckin, the director and producer, for letting me borrow a copy so that I could write this review.)