30 April 2015

Is Boulder City Government Really Working to Make Boulder More People Friendly?

East Boulder Stakeholder Meeting (55th and 63rd streets corridors)
Monday, May 4, 4 - 6 pm
Valmont Community Presbyterian Church
3261 61st Street
Bus: None?

West Boulder Stakeholder Meeting (Folsom Streets and Iris Avenue)
Wednesday, May 6, 4 - 6 pm
Unity Spiritual Center
2855 Folsom Street
Bus: None again?

So bus riders are not invited to meeting the will determine the experiences that bus riders have on Boulder streets.

Transportation Advisory Board Meeting
Re: Living Laboratory Phase II potential pilot programs
Monday, May 11 at 6 pm
Municipal Building, Council Chambers
1777 Broadway
Bus: 204, 205, 225, DASH, SKIP, AB, all B buses, N

Transportation Advisory Board-hosted Open House
Wednesday, May 20, 4 - 6 pm
Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art
1720 13th Street

I wonder how easy the stakeholder meetings are to get to by bike.

29 April 2015

An Opportunity to Oppose the Widening of I-70?

Wednesday, April 29 at 6:30
Garden Place Elementary School
4425 Lincoln Street
Bus: 8 (Get off as soon as the bus crosses I-25. It will cross I-70 before the next stop.)

This group may be mainly concentrating on pushing their own alternative plan, but it could be a good place to meet people who are concerned about highway widening.

19 April 2015

April Board of Directors Meeting

Tuesday, April 21at 5:30 pm
RTD Offices, Basement
1600 Blake
Bus: Free Mall Ride, 0, 6, 20, 28, 32

It looks like almost every committee is giving a report. Should be a good meeting to find out what is happening with RTD. Each meeting now has its own webpage which you can read for more information.

Just a reminder. If you want to talk, you need to come at the beginning.

13 April 2015

Joint Budget Committee May Vote on Southwest Chief Funding

Tuesday, April 14, 2 pm or later
Joint Budget Committee Hearing Room
Legislative Service Building, 3rd Floor
200 East 14th Avenue
Bus: 15, 15L

Advocates will try to get a voice vote so that we can take those results back to constituents.

10 April 2015

Southwest Chief is in the CO House Budget

By an overwhelming majority, the Colorado House has put $1.5 million for track repairs in next years' budget. Now we find out if all the Republicans who voted for this did so because they thought it would die in the Senate.

One of the key legislators we need to convince is Kevin Grantham, the Senator who represents CaƱon City. If you live in the area, please give him a call at 303-866-4877 and explain how better train service would help Colorado's small towns.

09 April 2015

Fort Collins Transit Users Group Meets Today

Thursday, April 9, 6-7:15 pm
CSU Transit Center
Lory Student Center
8033 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins
Bus: free campus shuttle, 2, 6, 7, 31, 32, 33, 34, MAX

08 April 2015

Mayor Hancock Monthly Town Hall
Affordablity in Denver
Saturday, April 18 at 9 to 11
Hill Middle School
451 Clermont
Bus: 40?

06 April 2015

Rally on Last Day to Comment on Fare Changes

Rally to Oppose Fare Increases
Wednesday, April 8, 5 pm
RTD Administrative Offices
1600 Blake
Bus: Free Mall Ride, 0, 6, 20, 28, 32

There is more than one organization organizing rallies to oppose the fare increase, so there may be a rally at 5 pm and a rally at 5:15.

Please come out on Wednesday.

If you have not commented on the fare increases, you can do so through a form on the top right of the RTD Fare Study page: http://www.rtd-denver.com/fare-recommendation.shtml

(Don't sign the petition. It is to get money to widen I-70, not to get more money for buses and trains.)