22 January 2016

CDOT is widening Wadsworth

CDOT is widening Wadsworth between Highland Drive (8th Avenue) and West 10th Avenue and they are having one public meeting during a work day to let people know about this.

Friday, January 29, 2 pm
Lakewood Civic Center
Council Chambers (this is on the right side when you come up from the bus)
480 S. Allison Parkway
Bus: 1, 3, 11, 14, 76
If you are coming by train, you can take the 76 from Wadsworth Station (W Line) or you can take the 3 from the Federal Center Station (W Line) or from Alameda Station (every other rail line). The council chambers are above the bus stop, and there is an elevator that is slightly hidden.

This widening is to accommodate the new interchange at US36. There is no info provided on the format of the meeting or its likely duration.

For more information call 888-759-6197, option 1 or email wadsworthHighlandto10th@gmail.com.

If you get any additional information, please feel free to let us know in the comments.

17 January 2016

What do you think about BRT on Colfax Avenue?

Public Meetings Scheduled to Discuss Bus Rapid Transit for Colfax Avenue

Wednesday, January 20, 5:30-7:30 pm (presentation at 6)
Knights of Columbus Hall
1555 Grant Street
Bus: 15, 15L (The 6 and 16 also stop across the street just before they turn to head south. The 10 and the 20 are also within walking distance.)

Thursday, January 21, 5:30-7:30 pm (presentation at 6)
North Middle School
12095 Montview Boulevard
Bus: 20, 89, 121 (at two different stops)

The City of Denver may build BRT along Colfax. This has the potential to be a good idea if it is planned well. We need to keep the well-being of the people of Denver and Aurora kept in mind. But is this really about widening Colfax? Does the City of Denver really understand what frequent service is? Are any other bus routes going to be improved?

A fellow bus rider who also has experience encouraging people to go to meetings and comment is concerned that not enough bus riders have been involved in this process. So if you can, please go to this meeting. And tell us what you think of the City of Denver's plans in the comments here or by sending us a message.

16 January 2016

FLEX Runs Free This Week

On Monday, the FLEX starts to run between Boulder and Fort Collins during rush hour, so the route is celebrating with a work week of free rides. Starting Monday, January 18, the first day of service to Boulder, through Friday, January 22, all FLEX buses are free. The fare goes back to $1.25 on Saturday as those buses continue to only run between Longmont and Fort Collins.

This would be a good week to schedule a job interview out of town as the trip is free. Also, just ride the bus and see if the free Wifi is any good.

Here are schedules: http://www.ridetransfort.com/img/site_specific/uploads/FLEX.pdf

15 January 2016

Public Hearings on Widening I-70 in Denver

Monday, February 1, 5:00 pm
North Middle School
12095 Montview Blvd
Bus: 20 (on Montview), 121 (on Peoria)

Tuesday, February 2, 5:00 pm (THIS MEETING WAS CANCELLED)
Adams City High School
7200 Quebec Pkwy
Commerce City
Bus: none?
May be within walking distance of the 48

Wednesday, February 3, 5:00 pm
Bruce Randolph Middle School
3955 Steele Street

Presentations will be at 6:00 pm followed by a public comments. I am not sure if you can comment if you cannot be there for the public comment period. There was no information about commenting online in the notice although this should be possible. The places where you can read the EIS is also not online even though it is supposed to be.

The final EIS is online at http://www.i-70east.com/reports.html, although not in an easily readable format. The reports should be printed out and be available to read in person starting Friday, January 15, and I assume that comment forms will also be provided.

For more information about this project: http://www.coloradoindependent.com/156881/highway-injustice-in-denvers-latino-neighborhoods

For an example of why road widening is not a good idea: Houston spent $2.8 billion on road expansion and traffic slowed by 30%.

11 January 2016

RTD Board Meets on January 19

Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, January 19, 5:30
1600 Blake Street
Bus: 0, 6, 20, 28, 32, 44 (stops on 15th)
Free Mall Ride (stops on 16th)

No info yet on the topics to be discussed. As always, anyone can address the board at the beginning of the meeting. Public comments can be up to three minutes long.

10 January 2016

A Line Opens Aprill 22 (Review of January East Rail Line Newsletter)

I have been thinking of writing the RTD Board with my reactions to the various attempts to keep people up to date with the FasTracks project. Communications with bus and train riders have improved some because some people, including me, complained. There is still some improvements that need to be made. Many of the contractors think they are writing construction porn rather than providing information for bus and train riders. Many forget that people walk and ride bikes, and that not everyone drives everywhere all the time.

To this edition of the East Rail Line Report. The East Rail Line has officially been renamed the A Line, and will open April 22. Trains are already running as drivers are being trained and trains are being tested. Drivers will blow the train horns during testing as quiet zones do not come into operation until everything is fully operational.

Benches and signs are being installed at the stations as we speak. Does anyone know if either is likely to be adequate?

You can read the full report by clicking here: http://www.rtd-fastracks.com/ec_44. A link to get the reports by email is at the top of the page.