23 February 2010

Why do trains in the US have higher status than buses?

Or Why Some People Don't Like Trains

Yesterday I read a book that helped me understand why trains in the US are considered to be higher status than buses.

It explained that back in the 19th century when there were few methods of transportation available to people, the railroads in the West deliberately did not build enough capacity so that they could keep prices high. They marketed themselves to the wealthy and the upper middle class. People in the middle class traveled by stagecoach, in some areas until the 1920's, with some rare long-distance trips by train.

I want to repeat, for some people the car replaced the stagecoach, not the train.

In addition, the main train company in the southwest competed agressively to put local businesses out of business. They prohibited local companies from advertising in their stations, in some cases lobbying for laws that prohibited local advertisements within sight of their stations. The Harvey company took care of train travelers and charged hefty rates for doing so. Harvey Hotels were clean and comfortable and Harvey Restaurant meals were produced in clean kitchens and were fast and filling. Both cost many times their nearest competitor.

This started to change after World War I as the railroads lost more and more of the upper middle class. But the railroads could not change fast enough, and in many regions people simply did not like the railway companies.

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