26 March 2010

More on the Northwest Rail Corridor public meetings

I am following up on an earlier post.

I went to the meeting in Louisville. There were posterboards with various information on them, and a lecture with followed by questions. The people there were asking for public comments, but I am not sure that they will do any good. It turns out that the comments may not be read by the people actually planning the project. RTD has hired a private company to run their meetings. That private company is the one who is going to read the comments and prepare the final report.

I have been researching how this company got this contract, but I haven't found much out yet. I think a lot of FasTracks has been privatized. The more research I do, the more I think that FasTracks money is going to non-transit.

03 March 2010

GO Boulder is looking for Commuter of the Year nominations

GO Boulder, a public agency of the City of Boulder, is looking for nominations for the 14th Annual Commuter of the Year awards. One award goes to the Bike Commuter of the Year, one goes to the Transit Commuter of the Year, and one award is for the All Around Commuter of the Year, someone who walks, bikes, and/or takes the bus.

Nominees must live or work in the city of Boulder. They should use alternative transportation to get to work and to go shopping and to go out, etc. Go Boulder is looking for good stories.

You can nominate yourself. You can nominate someone you know. (Just click one of the links.)

Nominations are due by March 12.