21 September 2011

CDOT is looking for comments on its plans for North I-25

CDOT is planning for the future of North I-25. Unfortunately, they are not planning for the future of transportation in northern Colorado. This means that all the alternatives in the Final North I-25 EIS are very similar. They are all construction heavy. Because a lot people in northern Colorado want more bus service, these options exist in all three action alternatives. A rail option exists in Alternatives A and B, the preferred. Unfortunately, there is no consideration of how these systems would interact with each other. The EIS lists then dismisses some good ideas to move transportation away from the I-25. This includes plans for both rail and new road construction.

Fortunately, Front Range on Track has gotten CDOT to pay attention to rail, even rail that serves the downtowns of communities. They organized their members to attend public meetings, and to send their comments to CDOT.

Please let CDOT what you think. The link to the links of the various chapters of the plan is at http://www.coloradodot.info/projects/north-i-25-eis/Final-EIS. The PDF of the three alternatives and their evaluation along with each chapter of all the factors that CDOT was supposed to consider need to be downloaded separately. You can use CDOT's online form to submit comments until October 3.

I am going to tell them to think about the people of the Front Range before the asphalt. I am going to tell them that maybe we already have resources that we can use to move people more efficiently within Colorado, that I want more buses and trains within Colorado, that many people tell me that they want more buses and trains, that the preferred alternative is too expensive, and that buses and trains actually cost less to maintain than roads.

I would like to hear what you think of these plans.

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