09 December 2011

More Amtrak Trains Have Wi-Fi

Amtrak has extended its wi-fi service so that it is available on most trains in the northeast and in California. Please note that the wi-fi on the Coast Starlight is still only available for sleeping car passengers in their private lounge. Also note that speeds are severely restricted and some web pages are censored. Also, the connections are not secure. VPN's are only supported on some California trains.

Because the list of trains were wi-fi is available may change rapidly, I suggest that you check www.amtrak.com/wi-fi for a current list. This page also lists stations where wi-fi is available, but this list is way too short. I am finding that wi-fi is available at most urban stations. A few of them even offer secure wi-fi.

Please note that on train staff cannot help with wi-fi problems. Here is the add that Amtrak California produced to let people know about the improvements:

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