11 January 2012

Is this a last chance to influence what happens with Union Station in Denver?

RTD is holding another public meeting about the plans for Union Station. I, and many other people, that poor planning decisions now will make it difficult to expand intercity service to Denver in the future. In fact, it might be difficult to get Amtrak back into Union Station if a hotel is built there. Unfortunately, that is the plan that was adopted.

I am hoping that a lot of people come to hear what has been decided so far, and there will still be an opportunity to make sure that there is decent-sized waiting room and enough space for Amtrak.

Wednesday, January 26 at 5:30 - 7:30 pm
RTD Administrative Offices
1600 Blake in the basement
The RTD building is right next to Market Street Station, so almost any bus that goes downtown, goes by this location. If you take the light rail, you can take the free mall shuttle here.

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