30 March 2012

More FasTracks Informational Meetings in April

Thursday, April 5, 6 pm
Civic Association of Clayton
3840 York Street, Denver
Bus: 38
According to Google Maps, the 44 is two blocks away and the 38 is four blocks.

Thursday, April 12, 6 pm
Far Northeast Neighbors
Green Valley Elementary
4100 Jericho Street, Denver
Bus: 43

Monday, April 30, 6:30 pm
Stapleton United Neighbors
Central Park Recreation Center
9651 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard
Bus: None???

It is my understanding that these meetings are to discuss the DIA line. Someone from Social Action for Transit should be able to go and report back, so we should know more soon. I will post any updates that get written.

The first two locations have decent bus service so hopefully, lots of other bus and train riders will be able to attend. Someone needs to call Stapleton United Neighbors and ask why transit users are not being accommodated at their meeting.

29 March 2012

Amtrak Service Disruption Info Harder to Find

I thought that Amtrak used to put a sentence in orange on the web page of route that was going to be diverted or significantly late, but when I was researching my post on the California Zephyr's annual diversion, it was not there. I eventually found a "Service Disruptions" link in the left sidebar, but I had to look for it.

The "Service Alert" box with the lightening bolt is still there when you try to book on a date with a problem.

So pay attention when you are booking tickets on Amtrak.

26 March 2012

California Zephyr Diversion Dates 2012

Every year UP diverts Amtrak's California Zephyr from its normal route between Denver and Salt Lake City to do track work. From Denver, the train runs to Laramie, Wyoming and Ogden, Utah before rejoining its normal route at Salt Lake City. It looks like the diversion is going to be earlier and shorter than it has in past years with trains running a different schedule from Wednesday, May 16 through Tuesday, May 22 and Friday June 1 through Thursday, June 7.

Update: Trains will depart Denver one hour earlier than usual on the above dates. So make sure to be at the station on time. Buses will only be provided for people going to Glenwood Springs and Grand Junction.

Those are the dates when the trains actually go through Wyoming. The trains leave Emeryville, CA or Chicago at least one day earlier. Trains going both directions are being diverted.

So if you want to take the train to the mountains on these dates, you are out of luck. However, if you want to see a different route, these may be the dates to book. If you are on board for a longer trip, don't worry about delays; this route takes less time than the usual one.

In fact, you should be worried about delays before hand. Trains will run at least three hours late going west through Colorado from Monday, April 16 through Monday, April 23 and from Tuesday, May 1 through Friday, May 4. Trains running east will be delayed Sunday, May 6 through Tuesday, May 8. People taking the train to Illinois on these days will not be able to make connections either in Galesburg or Chicago.

Here is a slideshow of what you can see along the route:

20 March 2012

FasTracks Citizen Advisory Committee Meets in Longmont

FasTracks Citizen Advisory Committee
Quarterly Outreach Meeting
Wednesday, March 21 at 6pm
Heritage Middle School
The Community Room
233 E. Mountain View Avenue, Longmont
Bus: 5 minute walk to the BOLT (Local buses do not run in the evening in Longmont.)

The Citizen Advisory Committee was part of the original FasTracks legislation. Unfortunately, RTD has put it in the public relations department rather than allowing it to provide proper oversight. I hope that a group of citizens steps up to take the role that was intended by the initiative passed by the citizens of Colorado.

17 March 2012

Two Meetings on One Night

If you are interested in the future of transit options in Boulder County, there are two meetings that might interest you. Unfortunately, they are both on the same night, this coming Monday.

Plan Boulder County is hosting a forum to discuss whether the area should get rail, BRT, or a combination of the two. Other forms of bus service are not going to be discussed. Karen Benker, both a former RTD board member and a former member of Longmont's city council; Audrey De Barros, executive director of 36 Commuting Solutions; John Tayer, RTD board member, and Will Toor, Boulder County commissioner, will be panelists. The meeting is being held in a restaurant, so eating and drinking are encouraged.

Monday, March 19, 7pm
2027 13th Street, Boulder
The restaurant is three blocks from the Boulder Transit Center.

There is also going to be a public meeting on the station plan for downtown Longmont. I am concerned that the plan has too much parking and I can't tell where the transit is going to go. I also don't see any walkability improvements. There are summaries of comments on the Longmont City website. Business owners seem to want a circular, and residents are concerned that there will be a "sea of parking".

Monday, March 19 at 6 pm, presentation at 7 pm
Longmont Library, Rooms A & B
409 4th Avenue, Longmont:
Buses: BOLT (Please note that all local buses will have stopped running by this time.)

I wonder if there are any plans to add evening bus service within Longmont so that transit dependent people can actually go to these meetings.

14 March 2012

What is Happening with Federal Transportation Legislation

The Midwest High Speed Rail Association is one of the best places to get information about H.R. 7, the US House bill was originally intended to gut federal funding for buses and trains, as well as the US Senate Transportation bill, MAP-21, a much better alternative.

Here is a summary of their most recent update with a few comments on what this means for Colorado:

The current surface transportation bill, SAFETEA-LU, expires on March 31. That means that if Congress does not pass something by the end of the month, the gas tax will expire, and the federal government will cease to send money to the states for transportation purposes. That not only means no money for highways,  it could also mean that federal funding for FasTracks and other public transportation projects could abruptly dry up, causing serious problems for local agencies that are already struggling to keep buses on the road.

We are this close to disaster because the House introduced a few terrible bills that attacked funding for buses and trains. For example, a bill was introduced that would make it almost impossible to use any part of the gas tax for public transportation. This would cause some places to lose all their bus service. Advocates of all kinds created such an outcry that many Republicans stood up to their party's leadership over this issue. I think that many people who serve areas with very little bus or train service thought that there was no support for public transportation, when in fact people who live places with one rail line and crappy bus service are desperate not to lose what they have.

Bus and train service may be cut in the City of New York or in Chicago if federal funds are cut, but it will still run more frequently and longer hours than most places in the country. The same in not true for the exurbs of Minneapolis, and many small towns throughout our nation.

So what are the options. Madeline Grennan of Midwest HSR says, "There are rumors that the House will produce a viable bill before the March 31st deadline, while other say the House will have to take up the Senate bill or extend SAFETEA-LU for the 9th time."

Here is what she says about transportation legislation in the Senate: "Meanwhile, the Senate is closer to passing MAP-21, a bipartisan two-year transportation reauthorization that preserves dedicated funding for transit, presents a consolidation of restructured programs and formulas, and reforms and simplifies grants offered by the Department of Transportation so that criteria are based more strongly on merit. Several positive amendments have also been adopted into the bill in the last few weeks. This week the Senate will debate the remaining proposed amendments and hopefully take a final vote on the bill."

Transportation for America has a list of the amendments in the Senate with their current status on their website.

09 March 2012

FasTracks Info Meetings

Monday, March 12 at 5:30 pm
Lower Downtown Neighborhood Association
1720 Wynkoop Street #100, Denver (across the street from Union Station)
Bus: free mall shuttle
Within walking distance of Market Street Station

Tuesday, March 13 at 7 pm
Montbello United Neighbors
Arie Taylor Room
4685 Peoria Street, Denver
Bus: 43, 44, 121
Within walking distance of Montbello ParknRide

05 March 2012

RTD staff are going to recommend a NW rail option tonight

Monday, March 5 at 5:30 pm
RTD Administrative Offices
1600 Blake, Denver
in the basement conference room
Bus: Everything that goes to or near Market Street Station

This meeting can also be watched live at www.rtd-fastracks.com.

At this meeting, RTD staff will recommend one of three options to the board:

1. No change. The NW Rail Line continues to be a part of the FasTracks package, with a projected completion date of 2024.

2. Continue with the NW Rail Line with a projected completion date of 2024, but accelerate select capital projects and interim bus service for the NW Rail and US 36 bus rapid transit corridor service areas. Once the rail line is opened, the bus service will redirect to the rail stations.

3. Remove the Northwest Rail Line from the FasTracks plan and commit remaining project funds - capped at $894.6 million - for expanded/enhanced bus rapid transit in the NW corridor area.

What I want to know is what are the capital projects that would be funded under option #2. It seems to me that a lot of money has been funneled away from transit to parking. In other words, FasTracks is money is being used to subsidize cars, not buses and trains.

The board may decide to hold a special board meeting on Thursday, March 8. They need to make a decision about NW rail so that they can decide what is going to be in the sales tax request that they are going to present to the voters.

04 March 2012

Social Action for Transit is meeting again!

Saturday, March 10 at 10 am
Colorado Center for Law and Policy, Conference Room
789 Sherman, Suite 300

Snacks and good company will be provided. Please bring yourself and any ideas about ways to improve bus and train service in the metro area.

02 March 2012

Targeting the Homeless on Light Rail

Here is a story that Magalie Lerman of Praxus sent me about being harassed on the light rail while being homeless.

Mother's Day morning 2009, I was waiting for the light rail on 18th and California. I was going to visit my adopted mother. I had a bag of laundry in my arms as I was currently homeless, and she had offered to let me do laundry while I was visiting her. I looked homeless as I was carrying everything else that I owned on my back and was wearing the same clothes I had been wearing all week. A couple of construction workers had been waiting for the same train. When the train came and I sat down, one of the construction workers pulled out a police badge and asked for my fare. He was undercover. There were several other people on the train who the cops passed to get to me. He had not asked any of these other people to show him their tickets. I explained to him that I did not have fare and was just trying to go see my mother on Mother's Day. This was not my first offense riding without a ticket. I had been caught 3 years prior riding without fare a well. I was issued a $60 ticket. I could not pay this ticket. A warrant was issued for my arrest. I was on probation at this time. I called my probation officer when this happened ad told her about the incident. She told me I better find a way to pay it. She did not tell me about resources I now know about, such as Homeless Court which occurs on the first Friday of every month. Here a person can get any homeless related offense, such as riding RTD without fare, dismissed in exchange for community service. When I went to go to my next probation appointment, I got arrested on the spot. My probation was revoked, and I spent 3 months in Denver County Jail.