05 March 2012

RTD staff are going to recommend a NW rail option tonight

Monday, March 5 at 5:30 pm
RTD Administrative Offices
1600 Blake, Denver
in the basement conference room
Bus: Everything that goes to or near Market Street Station

This meeting can also be watched live at www.rtd-fastracks.com.

At this meeting, RTD staff will recommend one of three options to the board:

1. No change. The NW Rail Line continues to be a part of the FasTracks package, with a projected completion date of 2024.

2. Continue with the NW Rail Line with a projected completion date of 2024, but accelerate select capital projects and interim bus service for the NW Rail and US 36 bus rapid transit corridor service areas. Once the rail line is opened, the bus service will redirect to the rail stations.

3. Remove the Northwest Rail Line from the FasTracks plan and commit remaining project funds - capped at $894.6 million - for expanded/enhanced bus rapid transit in the NW corridor area.

What I want to know is what are the capital projects that would be funded under option #2. It seems to me that a lot of money has been funneled away from transit to parking. In other words, FasTracks is money is being used to subsidize cars, not buses and trains.

The board may decide to hold a special board meeting on Thursday, March 8. They need to make a decision about NW rail so that they can decide what is going to be in the sales tax request that they are going to present to the voters.

1 comment:

Elia Fisher said...

RTD needs to consider that the US 36 bus route is NOT true bus rapid transit since it falls very short of the BRT standards set forth by the National Bus Rapid Transit Institute. And even if it met or exceeded the standards, US 36 "BRT" would not be a viable replacement for NW Rail since many communities between Denver and Boulder would be left out of the system.