03 June 2012

Ride the bus from Lyons to Longmont and you could win a $25 gift card

Ride the YL bus the week of June 11-15, and you could win a $25 gift card to a Lyons business. To be eligible, you must board the bus anywhere between the first stop at 4th Avenue and Broadway and the stop at US36 and McConnell Drive. The last stop is across from the U Pump It station. A volunteer will take down the contact information for the people who want to participate in this contest. Buses leave at 6:37 and 7:07 am each day of the contest.

As an added bonus, this bus is free if you are a Lyons resident because you are eligible for an EcoPass. You contact the Town of Lyons at 303-823-6622 for more information.

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