05 July 2012

In 2000, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), decided to widen I-70 to support the tourism industry. They would say that they wanted to widen the highway to relieve congestion, but usually widening a highway increases congestion. They would also have said that most people supported the highway widening, but somehow there was great public outcry against the highway people. Environmentalists did not want the destruction that highway widening would entail; local residents did not want there towns torn up; tax payers did not want their money wasted, and some people wanted buses and trains instead.

Between 2000 and 2004, citizens worked to stop the highway widening. This led to the creation of the Collaborative Effort which led to more planning, another PEIS, and an agreement that CDOT could only widen the road if other alternatives were seriously considered. So right now, a group of consultants is asking private industry how they would bring rail to the mountains. (This is the AGS study.) There is also going to be a study into bus service throughout Colorado that may lead to better service in the mountains.

So CDOT has signed an agreement to not widen the highway at least until the current mountain rail study has been completed.

So it is interesting that I just got a notice from CDOT that included these words: "widening the interstate".

CDOT is planning to widen I-70 between Idaho Springs and Floyd Hill including enlarging the eastbound bore of the Twin Tunnels. The purpose of the project is to improve traffic flow and address safety concerns even though improving traffic flow usually makes things more dangerous.

There is going to be a public meeting about this project at the end of July.

Twin Tunnels Environmental Assessment Public Hearing
Wednesday, July 25 at 5:30
Clear Creek County Schools District Office
320 State Highway 103
Idaho Springs, CO 80452

There will be an open house from 5:30 to 6:30, then an informational presentation with public comments starting at 7:00.

There will also be a comment period that will last from July 5 to August 4. Comments can be submitted to David Singer either via email (david.singer@dot.state.co.us) or by mail to Colorado Department of Transportation, 425C Corporate Circle, Golden, CO 80401.

According to someone who has been active with a local environmental group for many years, this project violates at least three federal laws, so hopefully citizens will look carefully at how their tax dollars are being spent.

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