08 August 2012

Is CDOT Widening I-70?

Several people have told me yes, but my state representative, who is on the Transportation Committee at the State House, says no. Social Action for Transit has decided to oppose the widening of I-70 anywhere in Colorado, but we would love to see I-70 be buried within Denver with a park put on top. I have never seen this done successfully, but one of our Social Action for Transit members has. He says to not end  up with an impassible stretch of concrete, to really reunify the Globeville neighborhood, there needs to be a lot of public pressure.

Thankfully, CDOT does hold monthly open houses. The next one is a little earlier in the month than usual.

Wednesday, August 15 from 4:30 to 6:30
Focus Points Family Resource Center
2501 East 48th Avenue
Bus: 48 (also within walking distance of the 24)

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