16 September 2012

Kansas DOT wants to know how to spend citizen money

The Kansas Department of Transportation is hosting eight regional meeting to discuss how to spend T-WORKS money. T-WORKS was passed by the Kansas legislature in May 201 following a series of public meetings hosted by KDOT. The legislation authorizes KDOT to spend $7.8 billion over ten years.

I have some questions about T-WORKS. Can we use any of this money to save the Southwest Chief? What about improving pubic transportation in Wichita, Topeka, and the Kansas part of the Kansas City metro area? What about adding more bus and train service to better connect small towns in Kansas and support their downtowns.

Well, we are at a second round of public meetings starting next week, so maybe some of these questions can be answered, if enough citizens can ask them.

Monday, September 24
1-4 pm
Kansas Highway Patrol Training Facility
2025 E. Iron Avenue

Tuesday, September 25
9 am - 12 pm
Kansas Highway Patrol Headquarters
1821 W. Frontier Road

Wednesday, September 26
9 am - 12 pm
Magouirk Conference Center
4100 SW Comanche
Dodge City

Thursday, September 27
9 am - 12 pm
Ramada Conference Center
1400 N. Lorraine

Monday, October 1
9 am -12 pm
Holiday Inn Olathe
101 W. 151st Street
This is the meeting for the Kansas City metro area, but there does not seem to be any bus service to this location. Am I right? The local bus service website can be reached at http://www.thejo.com/.

Tuesday, October 2
1 pm - 4 pm
Eisenhower State Office Building
700 SW Harrison

Wednesday, October 3
1 pm - 4 pm
KDOT District 4 Chanute Complex
411 W. 14th

Thursday, October 11
1 pm - 4 pm
KDOT Wichita Metro Hillside Office
3200 E. 45th Street, N

I mentioned that it does not appear that there is bus service to the meeting for the Kansas City metro area. Does anyone know if there is bus service to any of these meeting? If not, how are car free people in Kansas going to make sure that their voices are heard?

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