30 December 2012

Is the Boulder County Environmental Sustainability Plan Any Good?

I am wondering. Bus service was cut between Boulder and Longmont while the county plans to widen that road. And this is while the City of Boulder is wondering how they are going to pay for the ever increasing costs of fixing the roads they already have. Wouldn't it be a better use of money to put in better bus service?

Anyway, there is a public meeting, again at a time when no one can go. Hopefully, it won't be a waste of time for people to stop by during their lunch breaks.

Public Hearing to Adopt the Environmental Sustainability Plan
Thursday, January 3, 11 am
Commissioners Hearing Room
Boulder County Courthouse
1325 Pearl, third floor
Bus: SKIP, 204, 205, 206, 208, 225, DASH, JUMP, AB, B, N, BOLT

You can read a PDF of the plan online at http://www.bouldercounty.org/find/library/government/envsustainabilityplan.pdf.

Warning: the plan is pretty much unreadable and is more an ad for Boulder County than an actual plan.

24 December 2012

Free New Year's Eve Service

All of RTD's buses and light rail trains will be free from 7 pm on December 31 to 6 am on January 1. And December 31 is a Monday so a decent number of buses will actually be running, unlike last year.

Have fun!

22 December 2012

RTD Board may be getting serious about seeking more money

The RTD Board has approved a FasTracks Internal Savings Account that RTD staff estimates will hold $277 million by 2017. Staff plan to use this money to build the North Metro line to 72nd Avenue and complete RTD's funding commitment to the US 36 BRT project.

This money is coming from both savings and new revenue. The biggest savings are coming out of the Eagle P3 (Gold and East commuter rail) accounts. Enough construction milestones have passed and enough contracts signed for RTD to be able to better predict how much the project will end up costing. That means that less money needs to be held in the account that RTD has set up in case of cost overruns. Right now it looks like RTD is going to be able to transfer $72 million toward other projects.

In addition, careful accounting has found $10 here, $20 million there. Some of these savings may not materialize or be as big as RTD hopes, but overall they add up.

The biggest amount of money will come from new revenue. RTD is going to ask the State of Colorado for the ability to audit sales and use tax receipts so that RTD can confirm that buses and trains are getting the money that they are supposed to be getting. RTD will also ask the State for the ability to collect sales tax on all the items that the State of Colorado collects on. This would mean $127 million more money.

The best news is that RTD is going to start asking for money. The press release refers to these entities as "stakeholders" which is rather vague. Here is hoping that RTD points out to cities and counties that do not support transit within their borders that cities and counties that do are subsidizing their bus and train service AND saving them money on road repair.

14 December 2012

A Transit Advocate Speaks Her Mind

Linda, a local transit advocate, shared the following with me recently via email:

"We link so much of community development to economic development.  We should also link our community design and resources to health, civic engagement and culture.  Our society pushes people to rush through life, and to have the vehicles to get them places "fast and furious". Fortunately young people have begun to absorb the message that it is better to have resources for health, recreation, entertainment and work close by so that you have more time to enjoy them.  The old adage is true: "Time is Money".  This unfortunately often translates into the gentrification of communities near mass transit. However, buses and trains should be available and usable by all people.  The message of the value of "taking your time to get where you want to go" but having the means (efficient and effective bus and train services) to get there needs to be framed so that it can be easily embraced.  Bus and train services need to be faster, cheaper and easier to access than the now traditional method, the single-individual car, if we want to convince the traditionalists!"

10 December 2012

What is Happening with Union Station?

Meeting on Denver Union Station's Public Plaza
Wednesday, Dec. 12 at 5:30 pm
RTD Administrative Offices
1600 Blake Street, basement
Bus: 0, 1, 6, 10, 20, 44, 120X, B, AF (Other buses will get you there, but stop running before the end of the meeting)

I was reminded to put this announcement up by Edie Bryan's report to ColoRail members about the Denver Union Station Project. She working to make sure that ColoRail has a decent showing. We need to make sure that the project is really open to the general public, and is oriented to people who walk, ride the bus, and take the train.

Here is her report in full: 

AMTRAK trains will relocate to their new location Februrary 1, 2014, now a firm date.  This will necessitate a new lease between RTD and AMTRAK.  The historic Denver Union Station has been turned over to RTD to manage with the new hotel management, Team USA,  and is no longer under DUSPA  (Denver Union Station Project Authority).  All tenants have moved their offices out of DUS to 1441 18th street.

The longshoreman strike on the west coast is a snag, slowing the timely delivery of fabric and construction materials.  

The public art project, previously rejected, is going to be handled under the city of Denver public art process.  David Chavez  of the city showed photos of various projects, such as the blue bear, and a spiral at the convention center.  The major criteria  is maintenance and longevity, as well as fitting the site.  Some discussion about getting other entities to participate in the public art funding.  You definitely get a higher level of interest from artists with a larger budget.  The public art will be on RTD property, so RTD will be responsible for the maintenance, upkeep, and repairs,

The whole DUSPA project is on schedule with no environmental risks left, only schedule and budget risks.  
  $357,109 has been spent so far, with Kiewit getting $267 thousand.  Kiewit has a record number of days without any worker injury and the workers take pride in that. 

A diagram was distributed showing some 10 different building sites in the vicinity, not counting the historic Denver Union Station itself.  These are all under construction at this time.  (I will bring this to the meeting.  These include the North and South Wing buildings, Cadence apatments, Block A apartments, 16th & Wewatta Office building ALTA City House and 2100 Delgany.  

RTD has scheduled a public meeting for input on the Wynkoop plaza design.  5:30 p.m. at the RTD offices on Blake Street. 

07 December 2012

No Light Rail within Denver Tomorrow (Almost)

Because of construction on the West Line, there will be no light rail between the Broadway and I-25 and Theater District/Convention Center stops this Saturday and Sunday (Dec. 8 and 9). The D line will run between downtown and 30th and Downing. Shuttles will serve the stops with no train service.