02 May 2013

In Boulder Complete Streets include Transit

Thursday, May 9 at 5 pm
Complete Streets Innovation Open HouseAlfalfa's Community Room
1651 Broadway
Bus: DASH, SKIP, JUMP, 204, 225, AB, B, GS
Be careful if you get off the JUMP across the street. Drivers often ignore pedestrians in that crosswalk.
This location is a five to ten minute walk from the downtown Boulder RTD station.

The discussion will focus on improving education about bike infrastructure and getting more people involved with transit planning within the city of Boulder.

Transit use has increased 300% in Boulder since 1990. However, it has declined lately. Connections into Boulder have been cut. If you can't get into Boulder on the bus, you are less likely to take the bus. Also, bus service got to the point that it was faster and cheaper than driving. That is no longer the case in some areas.

I will be interested to see what issues this open house addresses.

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