28 August 2013

Transit Advocates Coming Together in Fort Collins

Wednesday, September 4, 7 pm
Fort Collins Mennonite Fellowship
300 East Oak
Fort Collins
Bus: Within far walking distance of downtown transit center.

The organizers may be providing rides to people.

Not only does Fort Collins need better transit, the residents of that city are in danger of losing the buses they have. So BB/PFLAG, an already existing group of bus riders, is hosting a meeting for people who live or work in Fort Collins to discuss this issue.

Here is the invitation:

Dear Transportation Advocate,

As many of you know, Barrier Busters/Public Transit Action Group has been  working hard to promote a community that is transit friendly and accessible to all people. 

While there is much excitement about the construction of the MAX, we feel as though it concentrates too much on facilitating shopping and a fun night out, and too little on actually moving people around our City.

We feel the time is now to assess what different transportation groups are working on, assess the city's plan and progress, and educate ourselves about what can be done. Our collective energy can do amazing things.

We would like to engage all local transportation advocates and activists to start an ad hoc group that serves to research, design and implement a plan that will move us forward. The ad hoc group may be ongoing, or we may simply take ideas back to our own groups. We can all benefit from knowing what each other is doing!

Perhaps this means a Transit District or perhaps it means a dedicated income stream while keeping transit within the City's budget. Much of this depends on our bandwidth and energy, but it is up to us to educate ourselves, reach out to the community, and determine the best method to create a stellar transportation system in Fort Collins. 

Please join us at an organizational meeting:

Wednesday, September 4, 7pm
Fort Collins Mennonite Fellowship, 300 East Oak

Please bring all interested friends and community members, although at this point it is probably premature to bring in city officials or elected officials.
Please let us know if you are able to attend. We want to have enough yummy (yet simple) snacks. To RSVP or if you have any questions, please contact Cheryl at FCCAN info@fccan.org or 970.419.8944.Thanks to all,
Barrier Busters/PTAG

26 August 2013

RTD is taking comments about the placement of light rail along Fitzsimmons Parkway

RTD is changing where they are going to build the light rail along Fitzsimmons Parkway in Aurora as part of the I-225 line. The realignment powerpoint ( PDF) and the preferred alignment webpage can be accessed through the underlined links although the powerpoint PDF may not be completely visible. You can comment until August 30 through the FasTracks website or by sending an email to I-225@rtd-fastracks.com.

RTD still does not know where Fitzsimmons Station is going to be.

Please note that the website link will work for any comments on the I-225 light rail projects, so it can be used after August 30 for other subjects.

24 August 2013

Social Action for Transit is meeting in Denver

Wednesday, August 28 at 6 pm
3500 Morrison (Morrison and Alameda)
Bus: 3

We are going to be discussing past cuts to bus service in southwest Denver, and ways to bring those bus route(s) back. I am interested to hear what people say are their concerns. We may be discussing a bus route that used to run down Morrison.

18 August 2013

The Field Hearings Continue

Colorado's Transportation Legislation Review Committee continues to hold field hearings around the state.

Monday, August 19
at 3 pm
Otero Junior College
Humanities Center and Theater, Room 1802
1802 Colorado Avenue
La Junta
Bus and Train: There are rumors of something called La Junta Transit, but I cannot find any evidence of it online. You can get here from Lamar via the Southwest Chief if you come early in the morning and then return in the evening. Otero Junior College is maybe a twenty minute walk from the staion. Greyhound will get you to La Junta at 3:45 on both of the schedules that I found.

Wednesday, August 20
at 9 am
El Pueblo History Museum
Meeting Room
301 North Union Avenue
Bus: Berkley Buelah #4 (PDF), and whatever route coming from the east is in green on the Pueblo Transit System Map. (Warning: This map is a little buggy.)

at 1:30 pm
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Gallogly Events Center, Gymnasium
1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs
Bus: 9 (PDF) and 14 (PDF) will both get you to the edge of the campus. It is about a ten minute walk to the gymnasium from there.

The report from a transit activist up north was that these meetings were more self-congratulatory than genuine efforts to become more educated. Hopefully, these meetings will go better.

15 August 2013

WestConnect Does Not Include Bus or Train Service

Or bikes.

Or pedestrians

The Jefferson County Commissioners are going to be holding telephone town halls about transportation plans, but they are only going to call people in the unincorporated parts of the county. There are also only considering highways which all together are described as the WestConnect project. We need to make sure that everyone else is heard from. If you live in Lakewood or Wheat Ridge or Arvada or any of the other incorporated communities in our county, you are going to have to call in.

Here are the times:

Thursday, August 22 at 7-8 pm
Telephone Town Hall with Faye Griffith, commissioner for the northern part of the county

Monday, August 26 at 7-8 pm
Telephone Town Hall with Donald Rosier, commissioner for the southern part of the county

Tuesday, August 27 at 7-8 pm
Telephone Town Hall with Casey Tighe, commissioner for the middle part of the county

Here is how to connect:

Call 877-299-8493 and enter PIN: 110302

We need to stand up for people. We do a lot more than drive.

11 August 2013

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy will be in Boulder on Wednesday

Wednesday, August 14 at 9 am (Doors open at 8:30 am)
Wolf Law Building, Mock Court Room
Kittredge Loop Drive (This the northeast corner of Baseline and Broadway.)
Bus: 204, 225, SKIP, DASH, AB, B

The poster's tagline is "I will #ActOnClimate". Here is hoping there is some support for a more sustainable and human transportation system, although I am just impressed that this is happening.

You need to reserve a space through the link at: http://www.iwillact.us/event/co-gina-mccarthy-in-boulder/

Open Houses on Lakewood's Comprehensive Plan

The City of Lakewood claims that they want to start a community discussion on Lakewood's Comprehensive Plan, Lakewood 2025. The City keeps claiming this, and then the process gets hijacked by the wealthy and connected and white. Which is why I say "they" instead of "we".

I am especially disturbed that "sustainability" has been defined as things that white people like.

"Moving Forward"
Wednesday, September 18, 5:30-8 pm
Lakewood Cultural Center
470 S. Allison Parkway
Bus: 1, 3, 11, 76

For all my negativity, I do want people to go to these meetings. Withdrawing just empowers people who are already too powerful. We especially need to make planner understand that "sustainability", systems that can be sustained for a long time, means more energy efficient buildings and more buses, trains, bike paths, and sidewalks.

09 August 2013

Pig Roast Tomorrow (Saturday) at Vino Salida

Vino Salida is one of the many small businesses that have hosted a Social Action for Transit meeting. They also make some very good wine. They are hosting a pig roast and potluck tomorrow with music by Lupe Balazos Jug Band. The event starts at 6 pm. Vino Salida is located at 8100 W. Highway 50 in Salida, CO. Bus service there is terrible, but they want better.