28 August 2013

Transit Advocates Coming Together in Fort Collins

Wednesday, September 4, 7 pm
Fort Collins Mennonite Fellowship
300 East Oak
Fort Collins
Bus: Within far walking distance of downtown transit center.

The organizers may be providing rides to people.

Not only does Fort Collins need better transit, the residents of that city are in danger of losing the buses they have. So BB/PFLAG, an already existing group of bus riders, is hosting a meeting for people who live or work in Fort Collins to discuss this issue.

Here is the invitation:

Dear Transportation Advocate,

As many of you know, Barrier Busters/Public Transit Action Group has been  working hard to promote a community that is transit friendly and accessible to all people. 

While there is much excitement about the construction of the MAX, we feel as though it concentrates too much on facilitating shopping and a fun night out, and too little on actually moving people around our City.

We feel the time is now to assess what different transportation groups are working on, assess the city's plan and progress, and educate ourselves about what can be done. Our collective energy can do amazing things.

We would like to engage all local transportation advocates and activists to start an ad hoc group that serves to research, design and implement a plan that will move us forward. The ad hoc group may be ongoing, or we may simply take ideas back to our own groups. We can all benefit from knowing what each other is doing!

Perhaps this means a Transit District or perhaps it means a dedicated income stream while keeping transit within the City's budget. Much of this depends on our bandwidth and energy, but it is up to us to educate ourselves, reach out to the community, and determine the best method to create a stellar transportation system in Fort Collins. 

Please join us at an organizational meeting:

Wednesday, September 4, 7pm
Fort Collins Mennonite Fellowship, 300 East Oak

Please bring all interested friends and community members, although at this point it is probably premature to bring in city officials or elected officials.
Please let us know if you are able to attend. We want to have enough yummy (yet simple) snacks. To RSVP or if you have any questions, please contact Cheryl at FCCAN info@fccan.org or 970.419.8944.Thanks to all,
Barrier Busters/PTAG

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