23 November 2013

Tell CDOT what is important to you in our transportation plan

The Colorado Department of Transportation is looking for feedback on transportation matter to help them develop the Statewide Transportation Plan. You can take the survey in either English or Spanish here: http://coloradotransportationmatters.com/surveys/

The survey will be open until December 15, 2013.

12 November 2013

Reminder: The RTD Board Meets Monthly

November Board Meeting
Tuesday, November 19 at 5:30 pm
RTD Administrative Offices
1600 Blake Street
Bus: Free Mall Ride and almost all that go downtown

Remember: Anyone can speak for three minutes before the meeting.

08 November 2013

Market Street Station is Closing, Come to a Meeting to Discuss What this Means

The new bus box at Union Station is opening on May 11, and RTD wants to move all of the bus service from Market Street Station. There may also be a chance to discuss the changes that are taking place in January to local routes that serve downtown. Many routes are going to experience service adjustments, but it looks like the only route with a real schedule change is going to be the AF. The 15L's route is going to change the most, and that may influence its schedule.

It appears to me that the main reason to go to one of the meetings would be to discuss getting bus service that is more central to downtown. By the way, all the meetings will be held downtown.

Friday, November 15 at 6 pm
Wednesday, November 20 at noon
Wednesday, November 20 at 6 pm
RTD Administrative Offices
1600 Blake Street, Rooms T&D
Bus: 0, 10, 28, 32, 44, 120X, AF, B, L

I wonder if RTD's offices are going to move.

03 November 2013

NMDOT wants to know what you think of their rail plan

The New Mexico Department of Transportation has written a state rail plan, and they would like to know what residents of New Mexico think of it. You can comment online at Rail.Plan@state.nm.us until January 3, 2014. You can also attend meetings starting this week which I would encourage because the plan itself is an unreadable mess. A powerpoint presentation might actually be more comprehensible.

The presentations all start at half an hour after the start of the meeting.

Monday, November 4 at 6 pm
City of Santa Fe Offices at Market Street
500 Market Street, Suite 200
Santa Fe
Train: (Rail Runner)
Bus: 12
The M and the free Santa Fe Pickup will get you to the meeting, but may stop running before you need to go home.

Tuesday, November 5 at 6 pm
Mid-Region Council of Governments
809 Copper Avenue NW
Bus: 66 (Be aware that east bound buses stop on Central.)
This is near the downtown bus terminal so many routes run within a ten to twenty minute walk.
Train: A ten to fifteen minute walk from Rail Runner and Amtrak trains. Greyhound buses also stop at the Transit Center.

Wednesday, November 13 at 5 pm
McKinley County Emergency Management Center
2221 E. Boyd Avenue
I think that if you type this address into Google Maps, it may send you to the wrong place. Gallup has a Call-n-Ride, and has intercity service from Amtrak, Greyhound, and Navajo Transit.

Thursday, November 14 at 6 pm
Farmington Civic Center
200 W. Arrington
Bus: The Green, Blue, and Purple routes stop here, but I can't find out what hours they run. Here is their website: Red Apple Transit.

Tuesday, December 10 at 5 pm
Las Cruces Railroad Museum
351 N. Mesilla Street
Las Cruces
Bus: The bus system in Las Cruces stops running at 7 pm. The 50 and the 80 run closest.

You can try to read the PDF of New Mexico's proposed rail plan at http://www.dot.state.nm.us/content/dam/nmdot/Transit_Rail/New_Mexico_State_Rail_Plan_Draft_2013-09-30.pdf

02 November 2013

Meetings on a Proposed Rail Plan

Monday, November 4 at 5-7 pm
Interregional Connectivity Study Public Meetings
Windsor Public Library
720 3rd Street
No bus or train service

Tuesday, November 19 at 5-7 pm
CDOT Golden Offices
Trail Ridge Conference Room
425C Corporate Circle
No bus service. The Golden Call-n-Ride may get you here, but you would have to leave early.

Wednesday, November 20 at 5-7pm
Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments
15 South Seventh Street
Colorado Springs
Bus: 3 (PDF) (Runs late and everything. Way to go Colorado Springs!)

Thursday, November 21 at 5-7 pm
Pueblo Convention Center - Heroes Pavilion
320 Central Main Street
Bus: Bessemer Route 2 although you would have to leave early

01 November 2013

Regular Bus Service Returns to Lyons on Monday

The Y and YL routes resume on Monday, November 4 as the roads are better and most Lyons residents will have returned to their homes by that time. (I am not linking to the route schedules as they are not currently up.)

Just a reminder, Lyons residents can get a free EcoPass at Lyons Town Hall at its temporary location at Lyons Elementary, 388 High Street. This is good for free RTD bus service. I am not sure if all light rail lines are also free or just some.