03 November 2013

NMDOT wants to know what you think of their rail plan

The New Mexico Department of Transportation has written a state rail plan, and they would like to know what residents of New Mexico think of it. You can comment online at Rail.Plan@state.nm.us until January 3, 2014. You can also attend meetings starting this week which I would encourage because the plan itself is an unreadable mess. A powerpoint presentation might actually be more comprehensible.

The presentations all start at half an hour after the start of the meeting.

Monday, November 4 at 6 pm
City of Santa Fe Offices at Market Street
500 Market Street, Suite 200
Santa Fe
Train: (Rail Runner)
Bus: 12
The M and the free Santa Fe Pickup will get you to the meeting, but may stop running before you need to go home.

Tuesday, November 5 at 6 pm
Mid-Region Council of Governments
809 Copper Avenue NW
Bus: 66 (Be aware that east bound buses stop on Central.)
This is near the downtown bus terminal so many routes run within a ten to twenty minute walk.
Train: A ten to fifteen minute walk from Rail Runner and Amtrak trains. Greyhound buses also stop at the Transit Center.

Wednesday, November 13 at 5 pm
McKinley County Emergency Management Center
2221 E. Boyd Avenue
I think that if you type this address into Google Maps, it may send you to the wrong place. Gallup has a Call-n-Ride, and has intercity service from Amtrak, Greyhound, and Navajo Transit.

Thursday, November 14 at 6 pm
Farmington Civic Center
200 W. Arrington
Bus: The Green, Blue, and Purple routes stop here, but I can't find out what hours they run. Here is their website: Red Apple Transit.

Tuesday, December 10 at 5 pm
Las Cruces Railroad Museum
351 N. Mesilla Street
Las Cruces
Bus: The bus system in Las Cruces stops running at 7 pm. The 50 and the 80 run closest.

You can try to read the PDF of New Mexico's proposed rail plan at http://www.dot.state.nm.us/content/dam/nmdot/Transit_Rail/New_Mexico_State_Rail_Plan_Draft_2013-09-30.pdf

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