04 March 2014

Could Boulder Give an EcoPass to All Residents?

It looks like the answer is yes. Residents, businesses, and government entities are already paying most of the cost of such a program. We may just need to use our money more efficiently.

Of course, the more people we cover, the more we will have to pay. But the more people we cover, the greater the increase in people who take the bus, the fewer car trips and car pollution, the more people who are able travel to leave their homes for work, school, or just to go out. Currently, the median household in Boulder County spends 47% of their income on housing plus transportation with people who live outside of the City of Boulder spending more than people who live in Boulder itself.

That means that it would not cost that much and not require a lot more service to give everyone in the City of Boulder an EcoPass, but many of the people who need more service and cheaper service live in the smaller cities and in incorporated Boulder County. Personally, I think we could get the biggest bump by giving EcoPasses to people in Layafette. There are lots of people there who already take the bus, but who also live in households with cars because the bus does not go everywhere in a timely manner. Lots of residents of Longmont are almost prisoners in their homes because they can't afford to go anywhere other than work and the grocery store.

This program would prepay for predicted demand. That means more buses would come into service on the same day that the EcoPasses become valid.

There are PDF's online that you can read if you would like more information.

Community Wide EcoPass FAQ

EcoPass Feasibility Study

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