16 October 2014

Lack of transit promotes inequality

It costs more than $10,000 a year to own a car in the Denver Metro Area. That means that it costs more to maintain a car than it takes for most people to live. It also means that if you do need a car to get to work you need to spend money before you have earned it. If you need a car to get to the grocery store, and can't afford one, you may be malnourished. If you need more education to get a job, but need a car to get there, you may end up unemployed or in dead end jobs.

It also means that cities, counties, and states spend more money than we should on a transportation system that does not serve everyone. It takes more tax dollars to move people by personal car than by bus. It takes a greater subsidy to move people by personal car than by train. This means less money to spend on health care, less money to spend on education. This means that wealthy people who do not have to depend on public services, will do better than people who do.

Promoting car ownership promotes inequality by promoting poor health. Highways make walking dangerous which makes it difficult for many people to get enough exercise as a part of their daily lives. This means that staying healthy means having enough extra time to include exercise as an extra activity. It may mean having to pay for a gym membership just to have a place to exercise. People who have to work two jobs just to survive are not going to have the time or the extra resources.

Of course, some of those people would not have to work two jobs if they did not have to spend thousands of dollars just to get to work.

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