22 February 2015

FasTracks and Ski Train - Where do we stand?

Colorado Rail Passenger Association Winter Meeting
Saturday, February 29, 9am to noon
Denver Union Station, downstairs conference room
This is to the south of bus box on the other side of the Amtrak trains.
Buses: 0, 6, 20, B, L, AF (The list of routes is incomplete on Google Maps.)
Light rail lines E and W are a five to ten minute walk away.

Draft Agenda

9:00 am -- Meeting convenes
Fighting to Achieve ColoRail’s Goals -- Jim Souby, ColoRail president
Amtrak and the New Congress -- Invited: Joe McHugh, Vice President, Amtrak by video conference
Fast Tracks: Four Major New Lines Will Open in 2016 Including the Airport Train -- Richard Clarke, RTD Ass’t General Manager, Capital Projects
How the Millennials Will Revitalize Our Transportation System: More Bicycles, Buses, Cars to Go, and Trains Are In Our Future! -- Sylvia Brady, Jack Wheeler
12:00 pm   Adjourn

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