13 August 2016

Panel of candidates to represent Lakewood on the RTD board

City Council Ward 1 residents meeting
Saturday, August 20
Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church
920 Kipling Street
Bus: 100

Ramey Johnson and Charley Abe, Lakewood City Council members for Ward 1, are hosting a candidate forum. Candidates from Colorado State House Districts 23 and 28 along with candidates for RTD Board, District M will participate in this forum Natalie Menten is the current District M Board Member for District M which covers most of Lakewood. Max Tyler is the current state representative from District 23, but he is retiring. Brittany Pettersen is the current state rep for District 28.

Please note that city council wards, state legislative districts, and RTD districts all have different boundaries. It is possible to not live in Ward 1, but be voting for some of the candidates at this forum. For example, I used to live in Ward 2, and Max Tyler was my rep.

RTD District Boundaries Map (PDF)

12 August 2016

August RTD Board Meeting

Tuesday, August 16 at 5:30 pm
RTD Administrative Offices
1600 Blake Street, basement
Bus: 0, 20, 28, 32, 44

As always, individuals can spend three minutes to addressing the board near the start of the meeting.

04 August 2016

Bus Tour of North Denver Projects

Thursday, August 11 at 2:30 to 5 pm
North Denver Cornerstone Collaborative Bus Tour
starts and ends at National Western Complex
4655 Humboldt Street
Bus: 48

The tour is going to cover six projects: Globeville/Swansea Neighborhood Plans, National Western Reconstruction, Brighton Boulevard Redevelopment, River North, I-70 Reconstruction, RTD Station Development.

I still do not know exactly where in the National Western Complex the tour begins and ends, but I do know that you need to RSVP to 720-865-2839 or to ndcc@denvergov.org. The next tour may already be booked, but there are more tours scheduled for Wednesday, September 21 at 930 am and Thursday, October 13 also at 9:30 am.

If anyone goes on this tour, please let me know what happens. Is this a big ad for Denver projects?