04 August 2016

Bus Tour of North Denver Projects

Thursday, August 11 at 2:30 to 5 pm
North Denver Cornerstone Collaborative Bus Tour
starts and ends at National Western Complex
4655 Humboldt Street
Bus: 48

The tour is going to cover six projects: Globeville/Swansea Neighborhood Plans, National Western Reconstruction, Brighton Boulevard Redevelopment, River North, I-70 Reconstruction, RTD Station Development.

I still do not know exactly where in the National Western Complex the tour begins and ends, but I do know that you need to RSVP to 720-865-2839 or to ndcc@denvergov.org. The next tour may already be booked, but there are more tours scheduled for Wednesday, September 21 at 930 am and Thursday, October 13 also at 9:30 am.

If anyone goes on this tour, please let me know what happens. Is this a big ad for Denver projects?

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