21 May 2018

Another round of Serice Change Meetings

Wednesday, May 30 at noon and 6 pm
RTD Administrative Offices
1660 Blake Street, Basement
Bus: 1, Free Mall Ride

Thursday, May 31 at 7 pm
Ranch House
7676 S. Centennial Divide Road
Bradford Room
Bus: 85 (This is a route that is going to be eliminated.)

Wednesday, June 6 at 7 pm
Evergreen Fire District
1802 Bergen Parkway
Bus: None

Wednesday, June 6 at 7 pm
Calvary Baptist Church
6500 E. Girard Avenue
Bus: 35, 65, 105

Thursday, June 7 at 6 pm
Alfalfa's Market
1651 Broadway
Bus: 204, 225, DASH, SKIP

Monday, June 11 at 7 pm
Aurora Public Library, Large Community Room
14949 E. Alameda Parkway
Bus:  133, 153
Minor cuts are proposed to all the buses that serve this location except for the 157 which will run half as often.

Very few big cuts.

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