23 April 2019

You can take free rail to the ColoRail's annual meeting on April 27

Colorado Rail Passenger Association Annual Meeting
Saturday, April 27, 8:30 to noon
The Guild, Englewood Town Center
3435 S Inca Way
Light Rail: C, D
Bus: 0, 35, 51

ColoRail is electing five new board members and is hosting multiple guests. These include Amtrak's Colorado Representative, the project director from Colorado's Passenger Rail Commission,  and the Sierra Clubs Transportation team leader. There will also be a of rail caps and tee shirts to benefit small railroads.

ColoRail has a lot of members, and is somewhat democratic. As such it has had some significant successes in the past. But the board needs more people of color, more women and more young people to really energize those members and achieve transformative successes.

15 April 2019

RTD rail is free on April 27

The G Line is finally opening on Friday, April 26 at 10 am and will be free all that day and the day after when all of RTD's rail lines will be free as well.

There will also be station parties at four stations:

41st and Fox
Clear Creek and Federal
Olde Town Arvada
Wheat Ridge and Ward

I am wondering if the the people around Ward Road is going to get better bus service now that they are connected into the broader system.

08 April 2019

April Board of Directors Meeting

April 16, 5:30 pm
RTD Administrative Offices
1660 Blake Street
Bus: Free Mall Ride

This would be a good meeting to ask preserving bus service in Longmont and Lafayette.

01 April 2019

Open Houses as Boulder County tries to use bus money to widen roads

Open House in Louisville
Tuesday, April 2, 5:30 to 7:30
Kestrel Housing Community, Senior Community Room
1130 Kestrel Lane
Bus: 228 (at the end of the line)

Open House in Longmont
Thursday, April 4, 5:30 to 7:30
5201 St. Vrain Road
Bus: None

Open House in Nederland
Monday, April 8, 4 to 7pm
Nederland Public Library, Community Room
200 Hwy 72 N
Bus: N

East County bike-focused meeting
Louisville Public Library, second floor
951 Spruce Street

Meeting boards and additional links at https://www.bouldercounty.org/transportation/plans-and-projects/transportation-master-plan/#1553805739139-65b8fe58-cd

Boulder County wants to spend a lot of money on special projects while we still don't have adequate base service in Boulder County. The road widening funds hidden in the BRT projects would be enough to fund adequate transit in Longmont and to improve service between Lafayette and surrounding communities, including better salaries for bus drivers. In fact, providing adequate service in our neighborhoods would make it easier to find the bus drivers we need to provide that service.