10 February 2010

Practical Information about Traveling in the Seattle area

The Seattle Transit Blog has a lot of practical information about using transit in the Seattle area.

One post is about traveling from Seattle, WA to Vancouver, BC by municipal bus including how to walk from the the bus on the US side through customs to the bus on the Vancouver side. Even if you would never take this kind of trip, it gives the reader a sense of the kind of bus service available in northwestern Washington state.

(Note: There is an Amtrak bus and an intercity bus that makes this trip, although they are both more expensive.)

Today's post is about changes in the morning schedule of Sound Transit trains, improving service in the morning. Notably this change is happening in between printings of the train schedules. So currently the online schedules are correct, but the printed brochures are slightly off.

I think that it is good that Sound Transit is flexible enough to make changes as needed, but visitor and new residents should be aware that they need to check online if minor schedule variations could cause them problems.

The comments can be as interesting and informative as the posts. One poster pointed out that the first train of the morning runs slow because it is checking for obstructions and problems with the track. Of course, the site has at least one resident curmudgeon. (I don't want me tax money going to any line I don't personally ride. Grr.)


Testicular Homicide said...

Hey, I'm enjoying your blog. I thought I would share a website that my friend from Anacortes made, that helps people link city buses from the Canadian border to Seattle.

Helen Bushnell said...

Thanks for the link. The amount of information available about transit in the Seattle-Vancouver area is really impressive.