31 May 2011

Keeping Tradition Alive

Who rides the trains in a culture where cars have overwhelming power? That is one of the questions answered by the US edition of Future Express. These films by German documentary filmmaker Rob Hof.

The film then focuses on the multicultrism that is found among train passengers. People talk abouct where they or their families are from and what being American means to them. It is obvious that the filmmaker is much more interested in the origins of the people he is talking to than they are.

Unlike some of the other films in the series, this film jumps around geographically. If you don't recognize the scenery, it is not possible to know what part of the country you are in. This emphasizes a sense that "American" has a single reason (even though many interviewees would obviously not agree.) I would have like to hear from more African-American voices in particular.

As always, I enjoyed this installment in the series, as I enjoy hearing people talk about their lives. Here is one of the people that Mr. Hof spoke to:

(The video does not shake if you watch it online or on the Link channel.)

30 May 2011

The Future is What We Make It

I learned three things from a recent Boulder Daily Camera. Traffic congestion is projected to triple by 2035. The City of Superior is going to spend up to $500,000 to take control of roads in a private development that has only paid $122,000 in property taxes over the last ten years. And nobody came to a meeting on cutting bus service that was scheduled when nobody could come.

Passivity in the face of the future is a part of all of these stories.

While I was in Korea, the South Korean government spent millions of dollars to improve transportation predictions. They discovered two things: people are crazy and you can't predict the future. We have no idea how much congestion there is going to be in the future. If keeping spending money on cars instead of people, we could end up solving our transportation problems in the same way that Detroit has. People may decide that they simply don't want to live here anymore.

I would rather we solved congestion by dramatically increasing access to transit, walkable neighborhoods, and bike paths. We could then use what we save on road repair to pay our teachers.

Which brings us to the decision by the Board of Trustees of Superior to maintain streets that were originally  private at taxpayers expense. The focus of the article is on a gate at the development's entrance, but the trustees were really deciding whether or not to bail out a private development. This is one of many cases where a private development was built by a private developer. Historically in Boulder County, developers got permits for developments by promising that these new roads would never be a burden on taxpayers.

The choice to accept responsibility for private roads is exactly that, a choice.

It was also a choice when RTD decided to do very little publicity for their public meetings for the August service changes. Longmont is scheduled to lose all their school bus routes, and the meeting was scheduled when parents cannot attend (3:30pm). In addition, there was very little publicity. The notice on website was not on the front page, you have to know how to find it. There were not even signs on all the buses that are going to have schedule changes, at least not the ones in my neighborhood.

Every public meeting is an opportunity for RTD to develop public support for transit. In fact, it is an opportunity for everyone who supports transit to join together.

No one knows what the future will bring, only that it will come from our actions now. If we fund buses and trains we will have a very different future than if we keep spending money on cars. And if we spend money on people over all of those things, we will have another future altogether.

20 May 2011

Does RTD want public input?

This week RTD held three public meetings about schedule changes for August, schedule changes that include more service cuts than service improvements. Unfortunately, there was no sign of these meetings on the RTD homepage or on most buses, not even some of the buses that are having their schedules changed. There WAS a notice on the regional bus that I took today

Theoretically, in 2012 RTD is going to seek a sales tax increase to fund finish FasTracks. Here is the thing, everyone I know who actually staffed a table to pass the first FasTracks tax increase has either disappeared or is seriously pissed off, including the person who recruited all those volunteers and organized them.

Every public meeting is an opportunity for RTD to get more supporters. Another lost opportunity to improve transit was lost this week. So sad.

16 May 2011

Upcoming meetings in Denver and Lincoln

Both the Colorado and the Nebraska branches of the National Rail Passenger Association are having meetings this Saturday, May 21.

Colorail is having a rare meeting in downtown Denver. The meeting starts at 10am at Central Presbyterian Church, 1660 Sherman Street. The site is within walking distance of most bus routes that head through downtown, and is actually on routes 15 and 15L. We will see a comparison of Amtrak and Russian Rail in pictures, hear about a possible future for Union Station, and vote for board members.

If you come, you can meet, me.

ProRail is meeting in Lincoln at 9 am on the University of Nebraska, Lincoln East Campus at Hardin Hall on 3310 Holdrege Street. This is the northeast corner of 33rd and Holdrege. Clyde Anderson (402-932-7225) will coordinate carpooling from Omaha. You can also call Clyde or Bob Kuzelka (402-475-0221) to RSVP which they would appreciate so that they can know how many people are coming. You can also RSVP by sending an email to ClydeLAnderson@cox.net or rkuzelka@unlnotes.unl.edu.

ProRail is also electing officers and talking about planning in Omaha and Lincoln as well as hearing about the status of high speed rail in the Midwest.

If you are anywhere near either meeting, I hope that you will take the time to attend.

09 May 2011

Colorail is disappointed by plans for Denver Union Station, but hopeful

The Colorado Rail Passenger Association (Colorail) would like to offer its position on the future of Denver's historic Union Station. The station's continued use for passenger rail was the basis for our founding more than 20 years ago and our members have continued to attempt to be active in the planning process.
As such, we believe that Union Station must remain in public hands to protect the public's interest in the expanding the station's role as a public transit hub. Our transportation agencies must retain control of transportation operation and of expansion opportunities .
Union Station must maintain and improve its transportation function. Amtrak must be moved back into the station, and should be able to add service. Private train cars should be able to operate from the station. Intercity buses should be able to connect with trains at the station.
Union Station must remain a hub for connecting passengers with easy access for bus riders, pedestrians, bikes, taxis, private vehicles and Mall shuttles. It should be a friendly environment for waiting passengers, passersby, business customers, and tourists. Since Union Station will serve all rail and many bus routes throughout the region, it would be an ideal location for public events, concerts and exhibits.
The future functionality of Union Station must be protected to allow for growth, including future Amtrak services, and through tracks for efficiency.
Colorail members have observed that Union Station has the potential to be the main focal point of downtown because it will be surrounded by commerce, unlike many other cities where rail stations are on the edge of business districts or on isolated islands surrounded by hostile highways. The right collection of tenants could help make this a reality.

(This is a rewrite that I did of a letter by another Colorail member for a local newspaper.)

03 May 2011

My Hope for Colorado

My hope for Colorado is a future where we don't need a car to get around. I hope for good bus service throughout the Denver area, even on Sundays. I hope (and work for) hourly trains north to Cheyenne and south to Albuquerque, connecting all the cities and towns along the Front Range. I hope for passenger service in the mountains revived to reduce the isolation of some of our mountain towns. I hope that we can save money on road repair by running buses between all our cities and towns.

We in Colorado are famous for our love of nature. We should not have to destroy it to get around.

02 May 2011

Train Day - New Mexico

New Mexico is celebrating train day with an art contest for children and entertainment in downtown Albuquerque.

The deadline for the art contest is Friday, May 6. Children ages 6-12 are invited to design a cover for the RailRunner's magazine. The drawing must be on an 8-1/3 by 11 piece of paper and can be a drawing or painting. Color is encouraged! Send the artwork along with your name, your parent's name, your address, and a phone number or email to Inez Russell. care of The Santa Fe New Mexican, 202 E. Marcy Street, Santa Fe, NM 87701

Performances, art, and lots of trains are going to featured at the Alvarado Transportation Center at 1st and Central right next to the tracks in Albuquerque this Saturday from 1 to 5pm. Local dance troops will perform flamenco, hip hop, modern, and other forms of dance. You can go inside Amtrak, BSNF, and Rail Runner cars and a historic bus. You can see lots of model trains. You can watch FREE movies. You can eat food from local vendors. You tour a new transportation museum.

And you can take the train there!

01 May 2011

Railfan? There is a social network for you

The RailBook is a new social network just for railfans. It is also a great resource for people just looking for information as the members know almost everything that there is to know about trains.

And here is an unrelated video from one of my favorite railfans:

Train Day - Colorado

As a part of National Train Day, Saturday May 7, Gary Carter is organizing his annual excursion from Trinidad, Colorado to Las Vegas, NM and back. Friends, family, Colorail members and the crew of the PV Bedford, RPCA 1099 will be making the trip. Train #3 leaves Trinidad at 9:50am and arrives in Las Vegas at 12:38pm. The group will then walk to a cafe downtown for lunch. The return trip leaves Las Vegas at 3:03pm to arrive in Trinidad at 5:50pm.

There may be a van going down from Denver to take Colorail members to the event. Send me a message if you are interested reserving a seat on the van.

If you have transportation to Trinidad, send an email to Gary at pueblosilver@yahoo.com.

Train tickets are being bought by each individual participant, and are currently $42. They can be bought through the Amtrak website.