09 May 2011

Colorail is disappointed by plans for Denver Union Station, but hopeful

The Colorado Rail Passenger Association (Colorail) would like to offer its position on the future of Denver's historic Union Station. The station's continued use for passenger rail was the basis for our founding more than 20 years ago and our members have continued to attempt to be active in the planning process.
As such, we believe that Union Station must remain in public hands to protect the public's interest in the expanding the station's role as a public transit hub. Our transportation agencies must retain control of transportation operation and of expansion opportunities .
Union Station must maintain and improve its transportation function. Amtrak must be moved back into the station, and should be able to add service. Private train cars should be able to operate from the station. Intercity buses should be able to connect with trains at the station.
Union Station must remain a hub for connecting passengers with easy access for bus riders, pedestrians, bikes, taxis, private vehicles and Mall shuttles. It should be a friendly environment for waiting passengers, passersby, business customers, and tourists. Since Union Station will serve all rail and many bus routes throughout the region, it would be an ideal location for public events, concerts and exhibits.
The future functionality of Union Station must be protected to allow for growth, including future Amtrak services, and through tracks for efficiency.
Colorail members have observed that Union Station has the potential to be the main focal point of downtown because it will be surrounded by commerce, unlike many other cities where rail stations are on the edge of business districts or on isolated islands surrounded by hostile highways. The right collection of tenants could help make this a reality.

(This is a rewrite that I did of a letter by another Colorail member for a local newspaper.)

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