09 August 2011

A Chance to Influence the Future of Rail in Colorado

There are going to be a series of workshops on the proposed state rail plan where people, mostly upper-middle class white people, are going to give input into the state rail plan. We need to make sure that people who ride buses and trains get their voices heard. We also need to know what the opponents of trains are pushing so that we can stop them.

All workshops are from 2-4 pm followed by an open house at 5-6:30pm. Call 303-592-5493 or 877-255-4861 to RSVP for any of the sessions listed below.

The Denver meeting is nowhere near any train station, not even a light rail station. However, both the 40 and the 79 buses serve the area and a light rail station. The workshop takes place on Tuesday, August 23 in the CDOT Auditorium, 4201 East Arkansas Avenue.

The meeting in Grand Junction has the best location. It is within walking distance of the train and the Greyhound bus stations, right downtown in the Mesa County Courthouse at 544 Rood Avenue on Thursday, August 23. The closest bus route is the 3 which is the bus route you transfer from if you are coming from Palisades. The 7 is a little farther away and is the bus you transfer to if you are coming from Fruita. The 5 also runs a couple of blocks away. Unfortunately, taking the bus may get you to the meeting slightly late. Luckily the bus is only a dollar. Also, unfortunately Amtrak gets into town just as the meeting is ending.

We need more than one train a day on this route.

We also need more than one train a day into La Junta. The meeting is not quite a centrally located as the one in Grand Junction and does not serve as many communities, but a community college is a good place to get public input. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 31 at the Student Center of Otero Junior College at 1802 Colorado Avenue. There is bus service within La Junta and to surrounding communities, but there is no bus map online. Bus trips are also a dollar with advance reservation service to outlying areas costing $2. Call 384-5453 for more information about bus service or to reserve a trip from an outlying area.

Here is a complete list of all meetings:

Monday, August 15, Washington County Events Center, 551 West 2nd Street, Akron
Wednesday, August 17, Limon Community Building, 477 D Avenue, Limon
Tuesday, August 23, CDOT Headquarters, CDOT Auditorium, 4201 East Arkansas Avenue, Denver
Thursday, August 25, Mesa County Courthouse, Multipurpose Room, 544 Rood Avenue, Grand Junction
Wednesday, August 31, Otero Junior College, Student Center, 1802 Colorado Avenue, La Junta
Thursday, September 1, Alamosa County Administration Building, Commissioners' Meeting Room, 8900 Independence Way, Alamosa

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