16 August 2011

Problems Unresolved at Denver Union Station

The Colorado Rail Passenger Association released the following press release yesterday:

The Colorado Rail Passenger Association (ColoRail) congratulates the Denver Union Station developers and contractors on the opening of the light rail phase of the DUS transit hub.  ColoRail remains a steadfast supporter of public transit, particularly rail, and the FasTracks vision of expanded transportation services to the regional population.  We believe that the end result will showcase transit's critical role in the region's mobility.  We further believe that the transportation elements will be the finest that ever existed on this historic site.  However, while the new light rail station looks white and new, Colorail would like to point out some faults with the overall plan that could not only confuse but severely hamper future transportation options for Denver residents.  
  1. The Denver Union Station lacks through track access. Modern stations have tracks that run through the station not into a dead-end. This provides efficiency and considerable cost savings for future commuter and intercity passenger rail services. The last chance for a through route could be foreclosed by the current development plan which values real estate over future transportation needs.
  2. The new Denver Union Station complex lacks sufficient capacity for intercity buses. The new bus box has only two spots for intercity buses from around the state. These buses require more dwell time for passenger loading, baggage, etc.  Transit directors from around the state have raised this issue.
  3. It is not clear that the train waiting room in the historic Denver Station will be open and available to passengers at all times. This includes passengers for the airport as well as baseball fans and others so they may walk through or sit while waiting. The protection of this historic public space is essential.
  4. This light rail station is labeled incorrectly.  It is next to the Millennium Bridge so should be called that. It is two blocks away from Denver Union Station which has been in at its present location for over 100 years. We must call this light rail station the Millennium Bridge Station and not confuse it with the historic station.
These problems can be corrected. If not, they will severely hamper the future of Denver Union Station and the mobility of our residents and visitors. We are working to overcome them.

(Thanks to Edie Bryan, ColoRail Vice-President, for writing this.)

(Update: The city that is most concerned about getting more buses into downtown Denver is Pueblo.)

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