29 August 2012

How would you spend $700 million?

This is the question that I asked the participants of the Social Action for Transit meeting last week. Here are there answers:

1. Education/ Green Energy

2. Complete the Rocky Mountain Rail Plan.
     Refit Union Station to allow full access for interstate trains.
     Planned Parenthood

3. Create a public/private partnership with rail companies.
     Build a rail catapult.

4. 25% Education
     25% Health care for the poor
     25% Fast transportation
     25% Bridges and roads

5. Schools/Education
     Alternative energy
     Urban agriculture
     Water conservation in a way that benefits people, not corporations

6. Education
     Urban agriculture
     Building the local economy so that people can be self-sufficient within the Wild West
     Protecting water rights for agriculture

7. Update Amtrak trains - Fix brakes and such

The $700 million is how much that it would cost to widen I-70 for just a few miles within Denver. Is that how you want your money spent? How would you spend $700 million?

1 comment:

Mike Hicks said...

In Minnesota, $700 million is about what it's projected to cost to build the Northern Lights Express train from Minneapolis to Duluth, upgrading tracks along a 150-mile route to support 8x daily roundtrips and reach 110 mph in places.