18 October 2012

Changes to RTD Policies that Implement Title VI of the Civi Rights Act of 1964.

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has changed that way that they enforce Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, so RTD is changing its policies in response. It is not clear from the RTD announcement, but I think that the FTA is being more proactive in enforcing the Civil Rights Act. Before I think that someone had to sue if their rights were being violated, but now the FTA will cut off funds in cases where a lawsuit would most certainly succeed. Cause not everyone can sue a government agency.

Whatever the reason for the changes, RTD needs to make sure that the public understands them.

Friday, October 19 at 5 pm
RTD Administrative Offices
1600 Blake Street, Room T & D
Denver, CO
Bus and Light Rail: Everything that goes downtown. Just be aware that some express buses only run in one direction in the evening.

I want to know when this policy is going to take place, and if it will encourage RTD to hire a greater range of people.

15 October 2012

The Power of We for Better Bus Service

What of the issues that I come across when working on transit issues is the belief that bus riders should not work together to figure out what system will best serve their needs. We should complain rather than attempting to offer constructive criticism. We should allow the senior staff of the local bus system to evaluate those complaints and not compare notes. We allow those staff to tell us how our problems should be solved and which are most serious.

This is the wrong attitude. Our local bus system needs our input. We, the bus riders, know what works and what doesn't. We, the light rail riders, know what keeps us safe and what doesn't. We know what buses are crowded. We know sources of funding that RTD is not going after.

I am hoping that we can come this Thursday near the Englewood light rail station to listen to each other's idea and to support the best ones.

12 October 2012

East Line Open Houses

I got behind on my posts, so I missed posting one of the open houses. There are four left this month. If you want to find out more about the East Line, a commuter rail line connecting Denver Union Station with DIA, these are the meetings to go to. I would guess that the open houses go until at least 7:00.

Wednesday, October 17 at 5:45
Bruce Randolph Middle School
3955 Steele Street
Bus: 24, 44

Thursday, October 18 at 5:45
Centro San Juan Diego
2830 Lawrence Street
Bus: 44

Wednesday, October 22 at 5:45
Sable Elementary School
2601 Sable Boulevard
Bus: 153

Thursday, October 23 at 5:45
Central Park Recreation Center
9651 Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard
Bus: The 45 and the 47x will get you here, they may not run late enough to get you home.

11 October 2012

Social Action for Transit October Meeting

Thursday, October 18 at 5:30 pm
City Center Community
901 Englewood Parkway, Suite 112
Light Rail: C, D
Bus: 0, 12, 27, 35, 51, The ART shuttle also serves this location, but the last bus may leave before we are finished.

We are downstairs from the light rail platform to the left.

We had nine people at our last meeting with ten participating, so I am hopeful that we will get at least that many at this meeting. We are going to go over the results of our efforts so far, and what we need to do to get good bus connections to the new FasTracks rail. What else should we discuss?

10 October 2012

Meet the Candidates for RTD Board (some of them anyway)

Bus: Anything that stops downtown including the 0, 1, 6, 10, 15L, 20, 32, 44, 120X, B, L, AF

This event is being organized by the Transit Alliance. If you would like more information, you can contact the organization's director, Kathleen Osher at 303-919-4334 or at kosher@transitalliance.org. You can RSVP at http://rtdmeetandgreet.eventbrite.com/. That site also has a list of all the candidates for RTD board. Not all the candidates will be there, although I am hoping that there is a good showing as there are a few that I want to talk to.

The RSVP asks for job title and work info. I put in something that is not a job title under that entry, and I suggest doing the same for any information that you do not want to share.

I also want to say that the The Pour House has a nice atmosphere.

04 October 2012

The RTD Candidates are Coming to My Neighborhood

Saturday, October 13 at 10 am
Clements Community Center, 2nd Floor
1580 Yarrow Street
Bus: 16, 16L
Also within walking distance of the 76 and twenty minutes walk from the 28 and the 100.
There will be snacks.

Both candidates, Matt Cohen and Natalie Menten, will be there. Matt Cohen thinks we should have better buses, but won't do much to actually make things happen. Natalie Menten is upset with how RTD acquired property for the West Rail line. It will be interesting to see if she has any ideas about actually operating the system.

This shows why rail is built on existing right of way whenever possible. Most of the land that RTD acquired for the West Line were slivers of off existing parcels, Most large sections of land that RTD took over were for the station areas rather than for the rail itself. If RTD had had to get all of the property needed to build a whole new line, they would have had to use eminent domain a lot more, and created a lot more ill will.

Part of the reason that the Gold and DIA lines are next is because they are being built on existing right of way. Part of the reason that the I-225 project is being combined with a highway widening project is because RTD perceives the highway people at being better using eminent domain to get the needed land.

It also shows that we need to get more people involved in the process. We need better candidates for RTD board.