15 October 2012

The Power of We for Better Bus Service

What of the issues that I come across when working on transit issues is the belief that bus riders should not work together to figure out what system will best serve their needs. We should complain rather than attempting to offer constructive criticism. We should allow the senior staff of the local bus system to evaluate those complaints and not compare notes. We allow those staff to tell us how our problems should be solved and which are most serious.

This is the wrong attitude. Our local bus system needs our input. We, the bus riders, know what works and what doesn't. We, the light rail riders, know what keeps us safe and what doesn't. We know what buses are crowded. We know sources of funding that RTD is not going after.

I am hoping that we can come this Thursday near the Englewood light rail station to listen to each other's idea and to support the best ones.

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