13 February 2013

FasTracks Photo Contest

Every two weeks RTD will be giving away VIP tickets to ride the West Line before it opens to the public to whoever takes the best photo of the West Line test trains. Each entrant may enter three photos every two weeks, and must be over 18. If there are any people in your photos, you must get written releases from them as these photos will be used by RTD in their promotional materials. Please note that these photos become the property of RTD, and that the photographers names will not be listed when the photos are used.

To enter, send photo files to Michelle.Brier@RTD-Denver.com. Each photo must be 10 MB or less. April 20 is the last day to enter.

Please note that FasTracks is not open yet, so please do not enter any stations areas or any areas near the tracks.

For more information: Catch the Train!

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