29 March 2013

Social Action for Transit is meeting again

Monday, April 1 at 4:15
Right Coast Pizza
7100 W. 38th Ave.
Wheat Ridge
Bus: 38

At our first meeting, Social Action for Transit decided to work to increase funding for buses and trains. At a later meeting, we decided to oppose highway widening projects. At this meeting, we will share information about the various I-70 projects, and see what we can do to get our tax dollars to go to transit instead of more roads.

28 March 2013

Images of Rail in Colorado since 2000

"Colorado Rail" by Tim Tonge
as part of the monthly roundtable
Thursday, April 4 at 5:30 (program starts at 6:30)
Bennett's BBQ (This is a locally owned restaurant.)
3700 Peoria Street
Bus: 121
(If you are headed north, get off right after passing over the railroad tracks. If you headed south, get off at the first stop after I-70. Otherwise, you have to walk back over the tracks, and I am not sure if the bridge is walkable.)

The monthly rail roundtable has moved from a chain restaurant in Arvada to a locally owned restaurant near the border of Denver and Aurora. The organization gets a room that seats 65 people for free by bringing in people who eat dinner. Luckily, prices are reasonable, and you are supporting a locally owned business. (Can you tell that I really like locally owned businesses?) The meeting room is on the south side of the building.

This month may be of interest for people who are active in current rail issues as the images were all taken this century. The images were taken by Tim Tonge and Tyler Eaton and include scenes from throughout Colorado with a focus on the Moffat Line, Colorado's Joint Line, Twin Peaks, the Brush Sub, and the Pueblo/Boise City Subs.

22 March 2013

RTD Board Discusses Roads

RTD Board Meeting
Tuesday, March 26 at 5:30 pm
1600 Blake Street
Bus: All that go by Market Street Station

RTD will be discussing CDOT, E-470, and the Northwest Parkway at the next meeting. I am hoping that they will be discussing ways to encourage CDOT to support buses and trains as well as roads. I went to a meeting on Thursday where CDOT was pushing highway widening in an area where they already have a signed agreement to try buses and trains before more roads. CDOT has a mandate to be multimodal, that is support all forms of transportation. Now someone needs to ensure that they do what they have promised to do.

I am also hoping that RTD will come out against more roads in the NW.

19 March 2013

March RTD Board Meeting

Tuesday, March 26 at 5:30
RTD Board of Directors Meeting
RTD Administrative Offices, downstairs
1600 Blake Street

I am not sure what the agenda is this month, but a new board member will be representing Boulder, Chuck Sisk.

18 March 2013

FasTracks Citizen Advisory Committee

Wednesday, March 20, 7-9 pm
SouthRidge Rec Center
4800 McArthur Ranch Road
Highlands Ranch
Bus: None?

Via @RideRTD with no link.

So no bus service, and no advance notice. Also, no agenda. I would really like to know why RTD has such contempt for bus riders.

14 March 2013

Traffic and Revenue in the Mountains

Presentation on CDOT's study on traffic and revenue along the I-70 in the mountains
Thursday, March 21, 1:30 - 2:30 pm
425 C Corporate Circle, Trail Ridge Conference Room
Bus: This location is a five to ten minute walk from the 17. Walk south on Corporate Drive and then east (left) on Corporate Circle. CDOT's local offices are on the north side of the street.

CDOT wants to use all its money for roads, but it is legally obligated to look at rail and, to a lesser extent, bus service, so they are doing this study although they already have a proposal that might include rail for the mountains. Supposedly Parsons has come up with something that might work, but CDOT is doing another study instead of pursuing action.

What I would really like to know is what Parsons is proposing.

This meeting is for "stakeholders" which may mean that citizens are not welcome. I think that citizens should show up anyway. You may want to email Angie Drumm at angie.drumm at state.co.us if you are able to attend so she can know how many people to plan for.

05 March 2013

Advocacy Groups are Stakeholders!

Stakeholder & Business Community Update
Thursday, March 7, 4 - 7 pm
Park Hill Golf Course
4141 E. 35th Avenue
Bus: 38, 40 (Both of these routes are a short walk away.)

The main point of a bus or train rider going to this meeting would be to find out who RTD FasTracks has a Memorandum of Understanding with. It is common at public meetings for RTD representatives to say that they have made this or that promise without specifying who they have made those promises to. Advocacy groups are listed as invited, so hopefully people doing advocacy are as well.

Hopefully, someone who attends will be able to make a report. We need to know what is going on.

If you are able to attend, please call Maxine Pryor at 303-299-2072.

Sorry for the short notice. I was not notified myself.