05 March 2013

Advocacy Groups are Stakeholders!

Stakeholder & Business Community Update
Thursday, March 7, 4 - 7 pm
Park Hill Golf Course
4141 E. 35th Avenue
Bus: 38, 40 (Both of these routes are a short walk away.)

The main point of a bus or train rider going to this meeting would be to find out who RTD FasTracks has a Memorandum of Understanding with. It is common at public meetings for RTD representatives to say that they have made this or that promise without specifying who they have made those promises to. Advocacy groups are listed as invited, so hopefully people doing advocacy are as well.

Hopefully, someone who attends will be able to make a report. We need to know what is going on.

If you are able to attend, please call Maxine Pryor at 303-299-2072.

Sorry for the short notice. I was not notified myself.

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