28 March 2013

Images of Rail in Colorado since 2000

"Colorado Rail" by Tim Tonge
as part of the monthly roundtable
Thursday, April 4 at 5:30 (program starts at 6:30)
Bennett's BBQ (This is a locally owned restaurant.)
3700 Peoria Street
Bus: 121
(If you are headed north, get off right after passing over the railroad tracks. If you headed south, get off at the first stop after I-70. Otherwise, you have to walk back over the tracks, and I am not sure if the bridge is walkable.)

The monthly rail roundtable has moved from a chain restaurant in Arvada to a locally owned restaurant near the border of Denver and Aurora. The organization gets a room that seats 65 people for free by bringing in people who eat dinner. Luckily, prices are reasonable, and you are supporting a locally owned business. (Can you tell that I really like locally owned businesses?) The meeting room is on the south side of the building.

This month may be of interest for people who are active in current rail issues as the images were all taken this century. The images were taken by Tim Tonge and Tyler Eaton and include scenes from throughout Colorado with a focus on the Moffat Line, Colorado's Joint Line, Twin Peaks, the Brush Sub, and the Pueblo/Boise City Subs.

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