22 June 2013

Parker is developing a Transportation Master Plan

Community Open House for Transportation Master Plan
Thursday, June 27 at 5:30 pm
Parker Town Hall
20120 E. Mainstreet
Bus: None

If think that Parker is in a Catch 22 situation. You have to drive to get to public meetings so people who are transit dependent can't go. Neither can people who might not have the money to fix their car if it broke down; those people have to confine their trips to the bare essentials. I have met people in other parts of the metro area who are essentially prisoners in their own homes, some of whom live in communities that are more walkable than Parker is.

The invitation specifically mentions people who ride transit. I think that if that request is sincere then staff from the City of Parker should ride what buses do exist and talk to people. Not the consultants, the people who are going to be there after the consultants leave.

People can also contact Mary Munekata at 303-841-2332 or mmunekata@parkeronline.org. Ms. Munekata is an Associate Planner in Parker's Comprehensive Planning Division. She is also on the Douglas County Transit Solutions Board.

What other ways could the City of Parker reach out to people who have a hard time getting to their meetings or are disengaged?

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