07 June 2013

Want to Witness a High Speed Rail Fantasy?

AGS Feasibility Study
Project Leadership Team Meeting
Tuesday, June 11 at 1-4 pm
Summit County Library North Branch
651 Center Circle
Bus: Silverthorne Loop (This bus will get you there seven minutes before the meeting starts.)
This location is within walking distance of the Silverthorne Transfer Center which is the arrival point of  buses from Wildernest and Ryan Gulch Road as well as Frisco, Dillon, and Keystone. All these Summitt Stage buses are free.

It is typical of this group that the announcement got the name of the location wrong. Basically, what is happening is that we have a group planning a $20 billion train to the mountains when we could substantially improve the service that we have with $500 million.

Partly, I think that the purpose of this study is to come up with a plan that is so expensive that it will make rail impossible to build in Colorado. But I also think that the people who are doing this study (as well as the ICS study) simply don't know what they are doing.

So not only is this a fantasy, it is not even an attractive one.

Anyone can go to this meeting, although comments are only taken at the beginning.

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