28 January 2014

US 36 Privitization Town Hall Meeting

Friday, January 31 at 5 pm
Alfafa's Market (Community Room)
1651 Broadway
Bus: DASH, SKIP, JUMP, 225, B, AB

This is a private event organized by concerned citizens. The main focus will be on opposing the privatization of US36, but I-70 will be on the agenda also. We will be discussing how ALEC is connected to road privatization in Colorado as well as the reasons that Glenn Vaad has been nominated to Colorado Public Utilities Commission. I will be there because I am concerned that the US 36 project has changed from a bus project to means to widen more of our roads.

Realistically, it is more likely that we will be able to stop the privatization of I-70, but a good effort to keep all our transportation corridors is necessary for any victories.

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