28 February 2016

Why Widening I-70 is a Bad Idea

There are three reasons to oppose the I-70 east widening project:

We don't have the money. CDOT has not able to find the money to finish the Wadsworth and US 6 interchange, a much cheaper project. Several businesses were destroyed and the land has been left empty for months. If CDOT cannot find a much smaller amount of money for a project that has local support, how is the agency going to find $2 billion for a project that the local community, and much of the rest of Colorado, hates.

Even if we had the $2 billion, this would not be a good waste of money. Cities much bigger than ours get along fine without 23 lane highways. We need money for better schools. We need money for better and more affordable housing. We need money for more buses and trains.

Widening the highway here would undercut transit investments in the surrounding neighborhoods. We are bringing commuter rail to the area. We should be bringing in more and better rail to support this new service.

There are so many reasons to not widen I-70 that I don't even understand why we are considering it.

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