03 March 2016

My letter to Colorado Senators about funding rail

$2.24 billion for rail was approved by Congress as part of the FAST Act. This represents a meaningful increase from the $1.39 billion enacted for Amtrak for FY 2016, but falls far short of the $7 to $9 billion a year recommended by the National Surface Transportation Policy & Revenue Study Commission, appointed by President George W. Bush.

We need this money to bring the Southwest Chief to Pueblo. This money may also go to improving rail in Missouri and California, making the train an even more attractive transportation option.

Republican governors are also working to bring rail back to the southeastern coast.

So this money NEEDS to be in the budget.

The National Association of Rail Passengers is requesting Congress fund the FAST Act programs at the following level:

--Amtrak – General Operating: $649.9
--Amtrak – General Capital : $920.4 (funding new tracks to Pueblo)
--Consolidated Rail Infrastructure & Safety Improvements: $300.0
--Federal State Partnership for State of Good Repair: $250.0
--Restoration & Enhancement Grants: $100.0
--Amtrak OIG: $20.5
--Total: $2,240.8

On average every dollar invested in rail and improvements yields a three-dollar return to the economy of the surrounding community. In Colorado, this would be an investment in our small towns, towns that are often overshadowed by investments in Denver.

Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to your response.

(This letter is partly based on a template from the National Association of Rail Passengers. You can go here to submit a letter through their site: http://cqrcengage.com/narp/app/onestep-write-a-letter?3&engagementId=177153)

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