21 May 2018

Another round of Serice Change Meetings

Wednesday, May 30 at noon and 6 pm
RTD Administrative Offices
1660 Blake Street, Basement
Bus: 1, Free Mall Ride

Thursday, May 31 at 7 pm
Ranch House
7676 S. Centennial Divide Road
Bradford Room
Bus: 85 (This is a route that is going to be eliminated.)

Wednesday, June 6 at 7 pm
Evergreen Fire District
1802 Bergen Parkway
Bus: None

Wednesday, June 6 at 7 pm
Calvary Baptist Church
6500 E. Girard Avenue
Bus: 35, 65, 105

Thursday, June 7 at 6 pm
Alfalfa's Market
1651 Broadway
Bus: 204, 225, DASH, SKIP

Monday, June 11 at 7 pm
Aurora Public Library, Large Community Room
14949 E. Alameda Parkway
Bus:  133, 153
Minor cuts are proposed to all the buses that serve this location except for the 157 which will run half as often.

Very few big cuts.

09 May 2018

Meeting on Quiet Zones along Railways in Niwot and Boulder County

Public Meeting/Open House by Boulder County
Monday, May 14, 6 to 7:30 pm
Niwot High School
8989 Niwot Road
Bus: None

Since 2005, train conductors have been required to sound their horns at all railroad crossings, except where quiet zones have been established. Right now Boulder County and the cities of Boulder, Louisville and  Lafayette are working to create quiet zones within their borders. The current Boulder County efforts are focusing on the area around the Diagonal Highway. For a map of places where changes may occur, please go to this link: https://www.bouldercounty.org/transportation/plans-and-projects/railroad-crossing-quiet-zones/

The presentation for the meeting is there, but it is a mess.

Most accidents are caused by people trying to drive around the crossing arms which risks running to people on bikes and people walking. People also get their cars stuck, often in the path of the oncoming train. Most people who are hit because they don't hear the horn are people walking or biking while wearing headphones, and these accidents are less common than people racing the train in their cars.

Here is a summary of some of the proposals:

Niwot Road and Main Street
Either a raised median or channelizing devices will be built at both these locations which will eliminate three to six parking spaces. The consultants think that this is very important. They do not care about anyone who walks or rides a bike. They may need to do this because cars have to be able to turn around safely. This is not mentioned until the section on Independence Road.

Monarch Road
No action needed?

North 55th Street
Channelizing devices instead of medians because medians would require rebuilding the area around the tracks which is expensive.

Jay Road
4-quadrant gate because the most people cross here.

Independence Road
This crossing is close to one in the City of Boulder and as such county planners need to coordinate with the city. Also, the road may need to restriped or changed in other ways.

North 83rd Street
Because this crossing is so close to the Diagonal Highway, making it safe is difficult. The turn off of the highway may need to be restructured. CDOT may need to be involved with any changes to this crossing.

If you cannot go to the meeting, you can submit comments at https://bouldercounty.wufoo.com/forms/s1v7b0ie1r0rbc6/