29 January 2014

Report from Tuesday's Transfort Outreach Meeting

by a BB-PFLAG member

Transfort placed their displays on the bus seats, which gives them the advantage of being able to host meetings throughout the city (which they are doing). However, this meant the interior of the bus was very cramped, as people tried to squeeze by each other to access other display boards.

The bus interior is easily one of the worst I have ever been on in terms of layout and design. Major problems I have identified are as follows:
1. Relatively few seats - only 45 on a 60' bus. With a layout optimized for capacity, bus manufacturers can usually squeeze in on average one seat per linear foot, or 15 more than the current layout. With a layout more balanced towards standing room, a 60' bus typically can fit closer to 50-52 seats.
2. The clumsy and poorly designed interior bike rack - when the first words spoken by a Transfort representative when asked how the bike rack works are to say it may be a problem, they have a problem. Customers physically unable to lift their front wheel up six feet in the air, or have a bicycle design that can't be lifted easily (such as cruisers) are placed at a significant disadvantage by the rack design.

3. The "max" and ">>>" stickers are *opaque*, and can not be seen through!
Given the sticker position in the windows, some seated customers will have a difficult time looking out the window, and may not be able to identify their stop by sight. When window decals are used, typically the material is cut in a honeycomb pattern, which looks solid when viewed from the outside but allows customers inside to see outside somewhat.

The last Transfort (Fort Collins Transit) community outreach meetings are being held tomorrow:

11am to 1 pm
Harmony Library
4616 South Shields Street

1:30 to 3:30 pm
Foothils Mall, Northeast Parking Lot

4 to 6 pm
Walmart on Mason and Harmony

The meetings are set up for people to come and go.

28 January 2014

US 36 Privitization Town Hall Meeting

Friday, January 31 at 5 pm
Alfafa's Market (Community Room)
1651 Broadway
Bus: DASH, SKIP, JUMP, 225, B, AB

This is a private event organized by concerned citizens. The main focus will be on opposing the privatization of US36, but I-70 will be on the agenda also. We will be discussing how ALEC is connected to road privatization in Colorado as well as the reasons that Glenn Vaad has been nominated to Colorado Public Utilities Commission. I will be there because I am concerned that the US 36 project has changed from a bus project to means to widen more of our roads.

Realistically, it is more likely that we will be able to stop the privatization of I-70, but a good effort to keep all our transportation corridors is necessary for any victories.

24 January 2014

Colorado Springs adds bus service

Fortunately, Colorado Springs is adding bus service, including adding Sunday service.  Colorado Springs is also providing information in Spanish on the same page as the English information, although some of this may come from an translation program rather than an actual person.

Tuesday, January 28 at noon and 5 pm
Colorado Springs City Hall
107 N. Nevada Avenue
Bus: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16

Friday, January 31 at 10 am
Discover Goodwill of Southern and Western Colorado
1460 Garden of the Gods Road
Bus: 14

Each meeting is scheduled to be an hour long. Comments can also be submitted online to transitinfo@springsgov.com. I would encourage anyone who is happy with these changes to say so. If you would like different service, you should say that also.

22 January 2014

May Service Change Public Meetings

Wednesday, January 29 at noon and 6 pm
RTD Administrative Meetings
1600 Blake Street, basement
Bus: 0, 6, 20, 28, 32, 120X, AF, B, L

Not a lot of changes so this might be a good opportunity to bug staff about future changes.

13 January 2014

Northwest Area Mobility Study Public Meetings

More like open houses?

Wednesday, January 15, 5:30-7:30 pm
Westminster City Park Rec Center
10455 Sheridan Boulevard
Bus: 51, 104

Thursday, January 16, 5:30-7:30 pm
Rembrandt Yard
1301 Spruce Street
Bus: 208, HOP, SKIP, Y

Monday, January 27, 5:30-7:30 pm
Longmont Civic Center
350 Kimbark Street
Bus: 323, 324, 327, BOLT

A team of private consultants will report on their research into transit alternatives for the Northwest.

07 January 2014

Nederland is looking for people to help manage their EcoPass program

The County of Boulder is looking for five people to be on the Nederland EcoPass Public Improvement District Advisory Committee. It looks like all members must own property within the district. It sounds like this is a new group, as the location and time of meetings will be determined by the group members and the only information on the committee seems to be on the application which is linked above. For more information contact Jared Hall.

Another committee that might have a transit link is the Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness Advisory Board.

03 January 2014

RTD is holding Two Board Meetings this Month

Board of Directors Meeting - Election of Officers
Tuesday, January 7 at 5:30 pm

Board of Directors Meeting (I am assuming this is more of a regular meeting.)
Tuesday, January 21 at 5:30

Both in the basement of the RTD offices at 1600 Blake Street, Denver

Buses: 0, 10, 28, 32, 44, 120X, AF, B, L

Some of these routes will change on Sunday, January 5. Links are to the schedules at the times that the meetings are held.

Anyone can get a copy of the packet that is given to board members and/or speak for three minutes before each meeting.

RTD is doing more and more of its decisions at these meetings, so they are worth going to.