09 October 2013

It is time for new Advisory Committee members

Are you interested in helping RTD make decisions about the FasTracks program? Then the RTD FasTracks Citizen Advisory Committee might be for you. This volunteer group meets with the public four times a year to listen to citizen concerns about the FastTracks project. There are also monthly work sessions as needed. I also think participants get free bus passes.

To apply, send a brief statement of interest, describe your qualifications and related experience, and a resumé to Dale.Honor@rtd-denver.com by Friday, October 25.

For more information contact CAC facilitator Roger Sherman at 303-592-5465. (And yes, this is a PR person.)

Here is what RTD says about how members are chosen: Appointments to the panel shall be made to ensure a broad representation of stakeholder interests, to achieve diversity and to provide geographical representation within the district.

Selection criteria will include, but not be limited to, residency within the RTD region; a demonstrated interest in public transit and the FasTracks program; previous community service; experience working with local jurisdictions on regional issues; and professional expertise.

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