25 December 2014

NAPTA is hosting a webinar with Phil Washington, RTD General Manager

All-NAPTA Webinar with Phil Washington on planning Stand Up for Transportation Day
Thursday, January 8, 11 am to noon
Register online at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/146772169

You will need a phone for sound and a computer for picture.

14 December 2014

Where You Can Read the Comments to the I-70 Draft Study

You can read the comments to the Supplemental Draft EIS at three libraries in northeast Denver.

Pauline Robinson Library
5575 E. 33rd Avenue
Bus: In between the 38 and 43 routes on Holly Street

Vales-Perry Library
4690 Vine Street
Bus: 48

Blair-Caldwell Library
2401 Welton
Bus: 38
Light Rail: D

You can also attempt to read the comments online at http://www.i-70east.com/reports.html#sdeiscomments

09 December 2014

The Quarterly Citizens Advisory Council Meeting is This Week

Wednesday, December 10, 6 pm
Blair-Caldwell Library
2401 Welton
Bus: 38
Light Rail: D

This meeting will focus on the Central Rail Extension which will connect 30th and Downing with the East Rail Line stop at 38th and Blake. I am concerned that at least one member of the committee is waiting for this meeting to find out what is going on.

30 November 2014

Fare Study Continues

 There are public meetings from December 3 to 11, an online video (en espaƱol), and the opportunity to comment online until December 14.

Fare Study Meetings

Wednesday, December 3 at 6 pm
Clements Community Center
1580 Yarrow
Bus: 16, 16L
Within walking distance of the 20, 26, 28, and 76. The path to the Wadsworth Light Rail Station may be blocked by construction.

Thursday, December 4 at noon
Boulder City Council Chambers
1777 Broadway Street
Bus: This location is a block and a half from the Boulder Transit Center.

Thursday, December 4 at 6 pm
Margaret Carpenter Recreation Center
11151 Colorado Boulevard
Bus: 92

Wednesday, December 10 at 6 pm
Aurora Central Library
14949 E. Alameda Parkway
Bus: 130, 133,  153

Wednesday, December 10 at noon
RTD Administrative Offices
1600 Blake Street, Rooms T & D
Bus: 0, 6, 20, 28, 32, 44 eastbound. Westbound buses leave from a block and a half away.
Free Mall Shuttle

Thursday, December 11 at 6 pm
Bemis Library
6014 S. Datura Street
Bus: A block and a half from the 66

After the first meeting, I am reassured that the fare study is not a sneaky way to make raising fares inevitable, but I remain concerned that RTD is not even recognizing their communication failures. They seem to think that people misunderstand the current fare system solely because it is too complicated not because RTD has done a terrible job of communicating how much things cost. For example, the maps of the light rail system are made to look pretty rather than be informative. If RTD cannot communicate, any fare change will go badly.

The Lakewood meeting was mostly white, mostly occaisional bus and light rail riders. The was meeting structured such that people were expected to come at the start and stay through the whole thing, which I did not do. Should we be encouraging a more diverse group of people to be going to these meetings or should we be organizing our own meetings to help people tell RTD what they think?

08 November 2014

Last Meeting on Better Connections to Downtown and Northeast Denver

Central rail Extension Mobility Study Public Meeting
Wednesday, November 19, 6 pm
RTD Administrative Offices
1600 Blake Street
Bus: 0, 6, 20, 28, 32

The project team is going to report their results.

28 October 2014

US 36 BRT Open House

Station Area and Connectivity Open House
Saturday, November 1, 9 to 11 am
8001 Arista Place
To request a free transit pass, email Anna Garcia at agarcia@drcog.org
Location is right next to Broomfield Park-n-Ride
Bus: 76, 112, 120, 128, 228, AB, B, L

Come to find out what is happening to allow people to get to the improved BRT line connecting Denver to Boulder and points in between.

I am most interested to learn if the Flatirons stop is getting its bus line back.

16 October 2014

Lack of transit promotes inequality

It costs more than $10,000 a year to own a car in the Denver Metro Area. That means that it costs more to maintain a car than it takes for most people to live. It also means that if you do need a car to get to work you need to spend money before you have earned it. If you need a car to get to the grocery store, and can't afford one, you may be malnourished. If you need more education to get a job, but need a car to get there, you may end up unemployed or in dead end jobs.

It also means that cities, counties, and states spend more money than we should on a transportation system that does not serve everyone. It takes more tax dollars to move people by personal car than by bus. It takes a greater subsidy to move people by personal car than by train. This means less money to spend on health care, less money to spend on education. This means that wealthy people who do not have to depend on public services, will do better than people who do.

Promoting car ownership promotes inequality by promoting poor health. Highways make walking dangerous which makes it difficult for many people to get enough exercise as a part of their daily lives. This means that staying healthy means having enough extra time to include exercise as an extra activity. It may mean having to pay for a gym membership just to have a place to exercise. People who have to work two jobs just to survive are not going to have the time or the extra resources.

Of course, some of those people would not have to work two jobs if they did not have to spend thousands of dollars just to get to work.

15 October 2014

Denver City Council Reps Hold Open House on I-70 Widening

Friday, October 17, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Focus Point Family Resource Center
2501 East 48th Avenue
Bus: I know there is one.

Denver Council Reps Debbie Ortega and Judy Montero are holdong an open house on the I-70 project. The comment period has been extended to October 30

11 October 2014

RTD Candidate Forum

Friday, October 17, 11:30 - 1:30
Blair-Caldwell Library
2401 Welton
Bus: 38
Light Rail: D Line

Come and hear from various RTD candidates.

03 October 2014

Tour the East Rail Line

East Rail Line Project Tour
Saturday, October 11, 10 am
starts and ends at Stapleton Park-n-Ride
8395 E. 36th Avenue
Bus: 28, 38, 43, 65, 73, 88, 89, 105, ABA, AS

I took the last tour and the program focuses on current construction and how the trains themselves will operate. This tour is being run by the construction and operations contractors so station areas being built by separate contractors are not covered by this tour although you do drive by and can see everything. This tour uses a local bus, and there is one stop for bathroom break.

This is the last east rail line tour of 2014, so to reserve one of the 35 spaces, call Joshua Solis at 303-297-5284 or email Joshua.Solis@dtpjv.com.

27 September 2014

Town Hall on the Widening of I-70

Wednesday, October 1, 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Cathedral of the Holy Transfiguration
349 East 47th Avenue
Bus: 3 blocks east of the 8 and 3 blocks west of the 12

This meeting is being organized by United North Metro Denver and will be hosted by Arturo JimĆ©nez who represents this area on the Denver School Board.

We will be discussing environmental justice, various kinds of pollution, effects on children's education, and other related topics.

Personally, I think we should be doing everything we can to support the North and East Rail Lines rather than spending money and time on an outdated technology that causes climate change and diabetes.

18 September 2014

Public Meetings on Widening I-70

Tuesday, September 23
Sable Elementary School
2601 Sable Boulevard
Bus: 153
Within walking distance of the 121 bus.

Wednesday, September 24
Kearney Middle School
6160 Kearney Street
Commerce City
Bus: 88
Within walking distance of the 48 bus.

Thursday, September 25
Bruce Randolph Middle School
3955 Steele Street
Bus: 24, 44

5:00 to 6:00 pm     Open House
6:00 to 8:00 pm     Presentation/Formal Comment Period

If you can't go to one of these meetings, you can comment on the I-70 EIS until October 14 by sending a comment to contactus@i-70east.com.

You can read at several locations throughout the metro area, including many libraries, as well as online (PDF).

16 September 2014

Southwest Chief Commission Holds First Meeting Tomorrow

Wednesday, September 17, 2:30 pm
La Junta Municipal Building
601 Colorado Avenue
La Junta

Public comments are welcome.

Followed by a reception

5 pm
La Junta Senior Center
114 E. 2nd Street
La Junta

You can come in from Lamar, Garden City, and Dodge City early in the morning and then go back in the evening via the Southwest Chief(PDF). It looks like Greyhound only runs in the evening and the middle of the night.

02 September 2014

RTD Rider Appreciation Day at Park-n-Rides in Westminster

Thursday, Sept. 4, 6:30-8:30 am
Church Ranch Park-n-Ride
10452 Town Center Drive
Bus: 104, BF, BV, DD

Friday, Sept. 5, 6:30-8:30 am
Westminster Park-n-Ride
5025 W. 88th Place
Bus: 86X, AB, ABA, BF, BV, DD, DM, L, S, T
(The 31, 51, 92, 100, and 104 stop across the highway. There is a pedestrian bridge that connects the local buses to the buses headed north.)

Larry Hoy represents this area on the RTD board, and he will be on hand along with RTD employees and people from US 36 Solutions to get feedback about how RTD can do better and give out schedule and route information.

You can get a morning snack as a thank you for taking the bus.

01 September 2014

East Line Open House

Saturday, September 13, 9 to 11 am
Swigert International School,
3480 Syracuse Street
Bus: 28 (Within walking distance of 38, 40, 43, 65, 73)

Breakfast is included along the ability to view with lots of equipment, both construction and rail. This is also an opportunity to view the "final" station designs. Contact Joshua Solis at 303-297-5284 or Joshua.Solis@dtpjv.com.

14 August 2014

Take an East Line Tour that Starts in downtown Denver

Saturday, August 23, 10 am - noon
meet at
Union Station
1701 Wynkoop Street
Bus: Everything that goes to the bus box about a block away. Also within walking distance of the free Mall Shuttle.

The tour will take place on an RTD bus and will go all the way out to DIA. I am planning on going. To reserve seats contact Joshua Solis at 303-297-5284 or Joshua.Solis@dtpjv.com.

For more information click here.

08 August 2014

First Fare Study Meetings (RTD)

Wednesday, August 13, 6:30 pm
Westminster City Park Rec Center, Common Room
10455 Sheridan Boulevard
Bus: 51, 104

Thursday, August 14, 6:30 pm
Clements Community Center
1580 Yarrow Street
Bus: 16 (Within near walking distance of the 26, 28, and 76. The 20 is a little farther.)

Thursday, August 21, 6:30 pm
Adams City High School, Cafeteria
7200 Quebec Parkway
Commerce City
Bus: 48 (This bus may be as much as five minute walk away.)

Wednesday, August 27, 6:30 pm
Aurora Municipal Center, City CafƩ
15151 E. Alameda Parkway
Bus: 3L, 139, 133, 153 (The buses do not actually go into the municipal center.)

Thursday, August 28, noon
RTD Administrative Offices
1600 Blake Street, Rooms T&D
Bus: 0, 3, 6, 20, 28, 32, 44

Thursday, August 28, 6:30 pm
Civic Center, City Council Chambers
350 Kimbark Street
Bus: L, BOLT

These meetings will not be on fares themselves, but on the structure of the fares. Personally, I would like fares to just work for a certain amount of time. That would be a lot simpler and make things like grocery shopping easier for some people. Also, light rail fares need to be explained better.

31 July 2014

Olde Town Arvada Station Bus and Parking Facility Meeting

Public Meeting on Draft Environmental Reevaluation (6 pm)
followed by a meeting on the facility design (7:30 pm)
Thursday, August 7
The Vineyard
5445 Olde Wadsworth Boulevard
Bus: 52 (Also, a block and a half from the Olde Town Arvada Park-n-Ride.)

RTD is hosting the first meeting while the City of Arvada is hosting the second. So come at 6 to hear from RTD and come at 7:30 to talk to representatives of the city. Or come for the whole thing.

It looks like the plan to put the buses right next to the station is a go.

25 July 2014

Union Station Opening Party

Saturday, July 26, 10 am to 3 pm
Opening Ceremonies at noon
Denver Union Station
1701 Wynkoop
Bus: The downtown bus box is behind the station.

I am not sure exactly what is happening, but I know that there will be a street festival with music. There is also supposed to be beer and family friendly activities. I am not sure if the festival will be between the buses and the trains or on Wynkoop or both, but everything should be easy to find.

10:45 Rachel and the Kings

12:30 Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers

2:00 The Railbenders

You can tour the Union Station building for $1.00 by reserving a time online. Tours start hourly from noon to 8 pm.

22 July 2014

Transfort (Fort Collins) Service Change Open House

Wednesday, July 23, 4:30 to 7:00 pm
South Transit Center
4915 Fossil Boulevard (south of Harmony near College and Fairview)
Fort Collins
Bus: 16, 20, MAX, FLEX (All schedules are PDF's.)

The purpose of this meeting is to inform bus riders of potential schedule changes and collect comments. The new schedules will start in August and new routes are possible as well.

If you would like to comment but cannot attend a meeting, send your comments to transfortinfo@fcgov.com.

21 July 2014

Vigil Held in Longmont on the Anniversary of the Lac-MĆ©gantic Disaster

Guest Post by Sharon Malloy
Lighting 47 candles

On Sunday, July 6, I organized a Longmont vigil to honor the 1st anniversary of the oil train tragedy in Lac-Megantic, Quebec, where 47 people  were killed when a train carrying crude oil derailed and exploded.
This action was started by 350.org, Sierra Club, Forest Ethics and Oil Change International. T.he purpose was to stand in solidarity with the residents in Lac-MĆ©gantic and other grassroots activists/vigils across North America. The giant oil boom of the last 6 years has resulted in a 4, 111% increase in oil by rail.  This dramatic increase dramatically increases risk... Lac-MĆ©gantic’s struggle is a grim reminder to us all: Big Oil will stop at nothing to extract, transport, and burn every drop of oil in the ground. No matter the risk, no matter the cost to public health, safety, and the climate, the oil industry will jump at every opportunity to profit. 
In Longmont, the train that runs along Atwood is just a few  yards from Columbine Elementary, Twin Peaks Charter (formerly Spangler Elementary), St. John's Catholic school,  and hundreds of homes and dozens of businesses on Main Street.  
The point of the vigil was to honor those who died by marking this anniversary and moving forward toward reasonable solutions and policies.

14 July 2014

RTD's July Board Meeting

Tuesday, July 15 at 5:30pm
RTD Administrative Offices
160 Blake Street
Bus: 0, 6, 20, 28, 32, 44

Lots of budget stuff at this meeting, including paying too much for the parking at the Central Park Station (East Rail Line).

Meeting on Fares???

There may be an RTD meeting on fares this Wednesday at 5:30 at the RTD Administrative Offices. That is the same time as the Central Rail Line Extension Meeting.

12 July 2014

You can RSVP for this Friday's East Rail Line Tour

Friday, July 18 at 10 am - noon
Meet and Return to
40th and Airport Park-n-Ride
3900 Salida Street (near 40th and PeƱa Boulevard)
Buses: 43, 44, 45, 153, ABA, AF, AT

Very much construction porn, but I am hoping that there will be some actual information as well. The tour may only go to the area around PeƱa Boulevard and Smith Road.

Reservations are accepted on a first come, first served basis, and can be had by contacting Joshua Solis at 303-297-5284 or Joshua.Solis@dtpjv.com.

These tours take place monthly, usually on a Friday, and the RSVP contact should stay the same.

09 July 2014

Central Rail Extension Mobility Study

Wednesday, July 16, 5:30-7:30 pm
St. Charles Recreation Center
3777 Lafayette Street
Bus: 12
Also within walking distance of the 48 and 44.

This public meeting is a part of a study of the rail line that will extend the current D line north to the 38th/Blake Station on the East Line. The immediate focus will be on the downtown loop options as the process of narrowing the possibilities has already started, but input on the rest of the line in welcome.

Even if you do not have anything to say to the team, come to find out about what is happening with FasTracks in central Denver.

01 July 2014

BB-PTAG General Meeting

Wednesday, July 9, 3:45 - 5:15 pm
Downtown Transit Center
250 N. Mason Street
Bus: 5, 8, 9, 10, 14, 81, 91, 92, MAX, FLEX

Scheduled: Supporting the expansion of Transfort.

29 June 2014

No Oil Trains in Longmont Rally

Sunday, July 6 at 4 pm
Longmont Library/Civic Center Plaza
near 350 Kimbark Street
Bus: within walking distance of the BOLT
(Wish that this event was on a Saturday when most buses run.)

RSVP at Keep oil off the rails and in the ground

28 June 2014

Ride Free in Longmont

Here is the official press release on our new free buses:

Ride Free! Longmont program starts Tuesday, July 1
All local Longmont bus routes are free to ride all year

Boulder County, Colo. – All RTD local bus routes in Longmont will be free for riders of all ages starting Tuesday, July 1.Hop on and off as many times as you want, all day long, through the end of 2014.

No passes, cards or identification of any kind is needed to ride local buses that travel solely within Longmont. Regional routes (BOLT, L, and J) are not included, but riders that access regional routes via a local bus can request a transfer that is good for $2.25 off the regional fare.

Local routes serving Longmont include:
·         323: Skyline Crosstown
·         324: Main Street
·         326: Westside Crosstown
·         327: Eastside Crosstown

More information including route maps and schedule information can be found at www.LongmontBus.com.

Ride Free! Longmont is made possible through a collaboration of the City of Longmont, Boulder County, and the State of Colorado. The six-month cost of the program is estimated at $108,000, which is the fare revenue RTD would have collected over this time from the four routes they provide.

Boulder County obtained a State of Colorado grant that will cover 50 percent of the total cost of the program. The grant is aimed at providing transportation assistance to low-income families. The remaining half of the costs will be split between Boulder County and the city of Longmont. Boulder County’s funding source comes directly from the voter-approved Transit and Trails sales tax that is intended to increase transit ridership in Boulder County.

“This is a great program for Longmont residents and visitors and an opportunity to increase ridership on Longmont buses,” said Boulder County Transportation Multi-Modal Division Manager Scott McCarey. “Transportation costs in low and moderate income families can rival the cost of housing, and RTD surveys show that 62 percent of passengers on the four local Longmont routes have total annual incomes of less than $25,000. A free bus ride each day can save a family a lot of money that can go to other necessities. We see this as a win-win-win program for Boulder County, Longmont, and RTD.”

For more information on the program, visit the Ride Free! Longmont website, or contact Scott McCarey at smccarey@bouldercounty.org or 303-441-3900.

Now we just need to get free buses in the rest of the metro area.

26 June 2014

Congress Should Restore Transit Funding

Transit agencies get some money from the Highway Trust Fund, so when the fund runs out of money, those agencies will lose one source of revenue. The greatest impact will be on rural agencies that live in communities that cannot afford basic service.

Here is the message that I emailed my congressional representatives about this issue:

I recently learned that when the Highway Trust Fund runs out of money in September, transit agencies will stop receiving money. This is a problem. 70% of Americans want money for buses and trains increased.

Congress should restore this money. In fact, Congress should increase funding. I would like to see buses and trains get $8 billion more. Investments in buses and trains increase tax revenue, so this proposal would pay for itself.

13 June 2014

Gold Line/NW Rail Open House

Saturday, June 21 at 9 - 11 am
Olde Town Square
5751 Olde Wadsworth Boulevard
Bus: must walk from Arvada Park-n-Ride or the buses on Ralston.

Denver Transit Partners, the private contractor that is running this project, is holding an open house on the Gold Line which will run through Arvada and the Northwest Line which is currently going to end in Westminster. Among other things, people can see station designs and learn about new train cars. This is an informational meeting only. If you see something you dislike, you need to contact your RTD board member and your city council rep.

10 June 2014

Building Blocks for Passenger Rail

Colorado Rail Passenger Association Spring Meeting
Saturday, June 14, 9:30-noon
Bear Valley Branch Library
5171 W. Dartmouth Avenue
Bus: 51

9:00 Doors Open

9:30 Meeting Starts

9:40 Legislation: What Difference Does It Make and How Do We Get It?
                            by Julie Hoerner Mowry, our volunteer lobbyist

10:10 Membership Discussion

11:10 RTD Northwest Mobility Study
          by Chris Quinn, FasTracks Project Manager

11:40 Election of Board Members

Meeting will end and room will be cleared by noon.

RTD's June Board Meeting

Tuesday, June 24 at 5:30 pm
RTD Administrative Offices
160 Blake Street
Bus: 0, 6, 20, 28, 32, 44

At this meeting the board will be considering the Northwest Mobility study. I am concerned that this group has developed a consensus that does not reflect the wishes and needs of the residents and taxpayers of the north area.

There will also be a group coming to ask for cheaper bus passes.

03 June 2014

The Hessie Shuttle is Back

UPDATE: The bus now runs to and from Nederland Park-n-Ride, 300 Jackson Street, and Saturday hours have been shortened because their is less daylight in the fall. The last bus runs at 6 pm. Also, buses run every 20 minutes instead of 15 some parts of the day.

Starting this Saturday, June 7 and running until Sunday, October 5, the free Hessie Shuttle runs from Nederland High School to the Hessie Trailhead, an entry point to the Indian Peaks Wilderness. The bus runs every 15 minutes from 8 to 8 on Saturdays and 8 to 6 on Sundays and holidays. To make this a bus only trip, take the N bus from Boulder. Unfortunately, the N is not a free bus although it does take EcoPasses.

23 May 2014

Free Boulder-Lyons Shuttle Begins Today

Like last year, Boulder County is financing a free shuttle between Boulder and Lyons. It will run from today, May 23 to Sunday, August 31. It runs evenings Friday and daytime Saturdays and Sunday with a few extra evenings and holidays thrown in. Route Map and Schedule (PDF)

The route is same as the Y which is a regional RTD route that connects Boulder to Lyons during the week.

Also, a reminder. If you are a resident of Lyons, you are eligible for a free bus pass that will let you ride all RTD's buses and light rail lines. The pass is available through Lyons City Hall.

19 May 2014

It is again time to talk to your RTD Director

It is time again for telephone town halls with our RTD representatives. To join, call 1-877-229-8493, ID No. 112070. The town halls start with Boulder County today and end on June 19 with Westminster and Northglenn. RTD has an interactive map where you can find your district.

Monday, May 19 at 7:00 pm
RTD Director Chuck Sisk who represents District O.
Boulder, Louisville, Lyons, Nederland, Jamestown, Ward, portions of Longmont and Superior, and the adjoining portions of unincorporated Boulder County

Wednesday, May 21 at 7:00 pm
Director Judy Lubow who represents District I.
Lafayette, Broomfield, Erie, portions of Longmont and Thornton, and portions of unincorporated Adams and Boulder Counties.

Wednesday, May 29 at 7 pm
Director Barbara Deadwyler who represents District B.
Northeast Denver and western Aurora

Wednesday, June 4 at 6:15 pm
Director Lorraine Anderson who represents District L.
Arvada and north Denver

Thursday, June 5 at 6:15 pm
Director Gary Lasater who represents District G.
Centennial and Parker

also Thursday, June 5 at 7:30 pm
Director Kent Bagley who represents District H.
Littleton, Greenwood Village, and Highlands Ranch

Monday, June 9 at 6:15 pm
Director Jeff Walker who represents District D.
South Denver and Englewood

also Monday, June 9 at 7:30 pm
Director Paul Solano who represents District K.
Adams County

Wednesday, June 11 at 6:15 pm
Director Angie Rivera-Malpiede who represents District C.
North and west Denver and Edgewater

Thursday, June 12 at 6:15 pm
Director Bruce Daly who represents District N.
Mountain areas

also Thursday, June 12 at 7:30 pm
Director Natalie Menten who represents District M.
Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, and Golden

Monday, June 16 at 6:15 pm
Director Claudia Folska who represents District E.
Southeast Denver and parts of Aurora

Monday, June 16 at 7:30 pm
Director Tom Tobiassen who represents District F.

Wednesday, June 18 at 6:15 pm
Director Bill James who represents District A.
Central and east Denver

Thursday, June 19 at 7:00 pm
Director Larry Hoy who represents District J.
Northglenn and Westminster

13 May 2014

HB1161 Signing Ceremony

The first step to funding track repairs for the Southwest Chief and bring the train to Pueblo passed the Colorado legislature by a healthy margin, and the signing ceremony is tomorrow in Pueblo. Many rail supporters are planning to attend.

Gov. Hickenlooper signs HB 1161
Wednesday, May 14 at 12:45 - 2:00 pm
Pueblo Union Depot, Back Patio
132 W. B Street
Bus: Most that go downtown, I think? (The Pueblo Transit map is down.) The Greyhound Station is about seven blocks away.

Please call 719-583-6536 for more information.

08 May 2014

August 2014 Service Change Meetings

Thursday, May 8

Reunion Recreation Center
17910 Parkside Drive North
Commerce City

7 pm
Aurora Public Library
14949 E. Alameda Parkway

Monday, May 12
noon and 6 pm
RTD Administrative Offices
1600 Blake Street

Wednesday, May 14
6 pm
Boulder West Senior Center
909 Arapahoe Avenue

A list of service changes in here: http://www.rtd-denver.com/servicechanges-august2014.shtml

04 May 2014

Two free bus tickets for people on Facebook

People who have liked the RTD Facebook page can get two free tickets through a special app. The tickets are probably good for anything up to a regional fare until the end of December.

Union Station Giveaway

There will also prizes given away at the Union Station Grand Opening
Friday, May 9, 11 am - 6 pm
17th and Wewatta
Bus: 6, AF, B, L
Light Rail: C, EW
Everything is still on the current schedule. The new schedule will start on Sunday, May 11 which is also when buses move to the new bus box.

This is supposed to be a street party. We'll see how well RTD does fun.

20 April 2014

Denver School Board may oppose the widening of I-70

Thursday, April 24 at 4:30, Public Comments start at 5:30
DPS Administration Building
900 Grant Street
Bus: 6
This bus stops close the DPS offices heading south. Heading north it stops on Lincoln, sharing a stop with the 0, 79L, and 83L.

This is a regular board meeting. Arturo Jimenez, the representative for north Denver, will introduce a resolution asking CDOT to do a full supplemental EIS of a reroute of I-70.

If you would like to speak, you need to call 720-423-3210 by 5pm on Wednesday. Individuals will be given 3 minutes each while groups can designate a single person to speak for ten minutes.

18 April 2014

Sheridan Station Celebration

Saturday, April 26, 11am -1pm
Sheridan Station
Light Rail: W line
Bus: 50, 51

Neighbors in the area have been working on a concept called the twenty minute neighborhood where people can get anywhere in twenty minutes without driving. I am hoping that this effort will be a start of moving the millions of dollars that we spend forcing people to drive toward making it possible to walk.

This event is a party, a way to communicate the ideas that people have already developed, get feedback on those ideas, and to find out more about what people are thinking.

08 April 2014

RTD Board has its April meeting on the 15th

RTD Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, April 15 at 5:30 pm
RTD Administrative Offices
1600 Blake Street
Bus: Still all that go downtown although this will change in May.

The RTD offices will stay on Blake Street even after Market Street Station closes on May 9.

07 April 2014

On Saving AMTRAK's Southwest Chief

by Lindsey Jauregui

Part of the problem for the Southwest Chief in Colorado and surrounding areas is that the connecting routes were killed off when the Santa Fe Railway surrendered passenger service to AMTRAK back in 1971.

In Colorado, a great deal more ridership could be seen if the State DOT worked to promote a Denver train that would meet the Southwest Chief at La Junta (as the Santa Fe used to do), thus making it easier for rail travelers to reach the major population centers.

The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Railroad Administration has its research & testing facility trackage located near Pueblo, so there is money swimming around which could help to fund this -- the agencies involved just have to want to do so.

02 April 2014

Private advocacy groups are hosting a transportation survey

Action 22 (Southeast Colorado), Club 20 (Western Slope), and Progressive 15 (Northeast Colorado) are pro-business advocacy groups that have put together a survey to direct their transportation advocacy.This survey may give Coloradans who live outside of the metro area an opportunity to ask for better bus funding. Unfortunately, trains are not on the survey, neither freight nor passenger.

We especially don't want these groups to be able to say that no one wants better buses.

Please take the survey before April 15: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ruraltransportation

31 March 2014

The bill in support of the Southwest Chief is now in the Colorado Senate

Senate Transportation Committee Meeting
Tuesday, April 1 at 2 pm
Colorado State Capitol, Rm 352
200 E. Colfax
Bus: 15, 15L, 16
Within walking distance of Civic Center Station

Tomorrow the Colorado Senate will discuss HB 14-1161, the bill to fund repairs and improvements to the Southwest Chief. I am not sure if voters will be able to give testimony, but having lots of people there increases the odds that the bill will pass.

17 March 2014

RTD's Citizens Advisory Committee has its first public meeting of 2014

FasTracks Citizens Advisory Committee
Wednesday, March 19, 6-8 pm
Arvada City Council Chambers
Arvada City Hall
8101 Ralston Road
Bus: 52, 72 (You may need to leave early if you take the 72 eastbound home.)

The public get updates about the construction of the Gold Line from the Eagle P3 information officer and information about the Olde Town Arvada Station project from the builders, Trammell Crow Co.

March RTD Board Meeting

Tuesday, March 25 at 5:30 pm
RTD Administrative Offices
1600 Blake Street
Bus: Still almost all that go downtown

15 March 2014

The bill to fund and improve the Southwest Chief is out of the appropriations committee

And now it has passed the House by 44 to 20.

HB 1161, Preseve and Expand Amtrak Service, passed the House Appropriations by 11 to 1 this week. This bill would fund repairs to the tracks while creating a new stop in Pueblo. Thanks to Rep. Leroy Garcia for getting this done.

14 March 2014

Petition to Save and Improve the Southwest Chief

Sal Pace, a Pueblo County Commissioner, has created a petition to the Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper and to the Colorado Legislature to ask for funding to add Pueblo to the route of the Southwest Chief along with funding to fix the tracks.

Petition to Fund Improvements to the Southwest Chief

I encourage everybody to sign.

06 March 2014

Colorado Rail Passenger Association Meeting Focuses on the Southwest Chief

Saturday, March 8 at 9 am
History Colorado
Martin Room
1200 Broadway
Bus: 0, 6, 16, 19, 83

Doors open at 8:30 and the meeting starts at 9:00 am. Right after opening remarks, Rep. Leroy Garcia and Pueblo County Commissioner Sal Pace will give a legislative report. Then there will be a forum with industry representatives. The meeting will end by 11:30.

04 March 2014

Could Boulder Give an EcoPass to All Residents?

It looks like the answer is yes. Residents, businesses, and government entities are already paying most of the cost of such a program. We may just need to use our money more efficiently.

Of course, the more people we cover, the more we will have to pay. But the more people we cover, the greater the increase in people who take the bus, the fewer car trips and car pollution, the more people who are able travel to leave their homes for work, school, or just to go out. Currently, the median household in Boulder County spends 47% of their income on housing plus transportation with people who live outside of the City of Boulder spending more than people who live in Boulder itself.

That means that it would not cost that much and not require a lot more service to give everyone in the City of Boulder an EcoPass, but many of the people who need more service and cheaper service live in the smaller cities and in incorporated Boulder County. Personally, I think we could get the biggest bump by giving EcoPasses to people in Layafette. There are lots of people there who already take the bus, but who also live in households with cars because the bus does not go everywhere in a timely manner. Lots of residents of Longmont are almost prisoners in their homes because they can't afford to go anywhere other than work and the grocery store.

This program would prepay for predicted demand. That means more buses would come into service on the same day that the EcoPasses become valid.

There are PDF's online that you can read if you would like more information.

Community Wide EcoPass FAQ

EcoPass Feasibility Study

01 March 2014

California Zephyr is back at Union Station.

Amtrak is officially back at Union Station, and Robert Brewster of Colorail was kind enough to take a picture of the staff taking care of that first train which arrived yesterday evening. I should have a new post soon on the mechanics of getting to and from local buses and light rail. Construction in the area will continue to be an issue for people taking the train until at least May. I will also research taking Amtrak's buses.

19 February 2014

The New Mexico House has passed funding for the Southwest Chief

Now it is the Senate's turn.

HB 241, sponsored by Rep. Roberto "Bobby" Gonzales (D-Taos), would fund repairs to the New Mexico portion of the Southwest Chief's route through the issuance of severance tax bonds. The bill passed 47-12, but may die in the Senate because of a lack of time to consider it. New Mexico's legislative session is over at the end of this week.

Here is Rep. Gonzales talking about maintaining funding for bus service among other things:

18 February 2014

RTD Central Rail Extension Mobility Study Public Meeting

Wednesday, February 26 at 5 - 7 pm (Presentation at 6 pm)
Blair-Caldwell African-American Research Library
Large Conference Room (to the right on the first floor)
2401 Welton Street
Light Rail: D Line
Bus: 38

So RTD has given in to public pressure and will after all be connecting the existing central line that runs through Five Points to the East Line. This meeting is the kickoff of a study about how to do this. I am concerned that the groups that RTD have opposed transit in the past. I am hoping that there will be broader public involvement that what is being proposed now.

14 February 2014

Amtrak is moving back to Union Station soon!

It looks like the return will not be delayed this time.

The California Zephyr returns to Denver Union Station the evening of Friday, February 28. The temporary station will be closed permanently after the departure of the morning train, including the bathrooms. The main entrance will be closed, and it looks like the temporary path through the construction will lead to and from the direction of the 16th Street Mall. Please follow the signs. Buses that run to downtown from the west side stop about two blocks away on Wazee. From the east, the closest bus stops are on 15th at Wynkoop. Take the free Mall Shuttle from either the light rail or regional buses.

You will not be able to walk directly to intercity trains from light rail for another two or three months. Regional buses will not move to the bus box inbetween the two stations until May.

11 February 2014

Want to find out what is happening with US36?

Public Meetings on the US 36 Public Private Partnership

Wednesday, February 12, 6:30-7:30
City Park Recreation Center
10455 Sheridan Boulevard
Bus: 51

Thursday, February, 6:30-7:30
Closed Sam's Club
550 S. McCaslin Boulevard
Bus: 228
Almost walkable from the regional buses.

This would be a good meeting for people who would like to know what is happening along the corridor.

10 February 2014

RTD's February Board Meeting

Tuesday, February 19 at 5:30 pm
RTD Administrative Offices
1600 Blake Street
Bus: most that go downtown

As always, anyone can speak for three minutes before the meeting starts.

The Colorado House will be hearing testimony on maintaining rail

Wednesday, February 12, at 3 pm
State Capitol
200 E. Colfax, Room 107
Bus: 6, 15, 15L
Within walking distance of Civic Center Station and the bus stops at the corner of Colfax and Broadway.

The House Local Government Committee will be hearing testimony on a bill to fund the Southwest Chief. This bill may extend service to Pueblo. It is my understanding that anyone is welcome to testify.

04 February 2014

Olde Town Arvada Station Parking and Bus Facility Meeting

Notice that RTD considers parking to be more important than buses.

Tuesday, February 11 at 6 pm
The Vineyard
5445 Olde Wadsworth Boulevard
Bus: 52
This location should be within walking distance of the Arvada Park-n-Ride, but a lack of sidewalks and snow may make that impossible. Even the half a block from the 52 could be tricky.

I have been hearing complaints about what is happening in downtown Arvada. I am wondering if this meeting has anything to do with these complaints.

29 January 2014

Report from Tuesday's Transfort Outreach Meeting

by a BB-PFLAG member

Transfort placed their displays on the bus seats, which gives them the advantage of being able to host meetings throughout the city (which they are doing). However, this meant the interior of the bus was very cramped, as people tried to squeeze by each other to access other display boards.

The bus interior is easily one of the worst I have ever been on in terms of layout and design. Major problems I have identified are as follows:
1. Relatively few seats - only 45 on a 60' bus. With a layout optimized for capacity, bus manufacturers can usually squeeze in on average one seat per linear foot, or 15 more than the current layout. With a layout more balanced towards standing room, a 60' bus typically can fit closer to 50-52 seats.
2. The clumsy and poorly designed interior bike rack - when the first words spoken by a Transfort representative when asked how the bike rack works are to say it may be a problem, they have a problem. Customers physically unable to lift their front wheel up six feet in the air, or have a bicycle design that can't be lifted easily (such as cruisers) are placed at a significant disadvantage by the rack design.

3. The "max" and ">>>" stickers are *opaque*, and can not be seen through!
Given the sticker position in the windows, some seated customers will have a difficult time looking out the window, and may not be able to identify their stop by sight. When window decals are used, typically the material is cut in a honeycomb pattern, which looks solid when viewed from the outside but allows customers inside to see outside somewhat.

The last Transfort (Fort Collins Transit) community outreach meetings are being held tomorrow:

11am to 1 pm
Harmony Library
4616 South Shields Street

1:30 to 3:30 pm
Foothils Mall, Northeast Parking Lot

4 to 6 pm
Walmart on Mason and Harmony

The meetings are set up for people to come and go.

28 January 2014

US 36 Privitization Town Hall Meeting

Friday, January 31 at 5 pm
Alfafa's Market (Community Room)
1651 Broadway
Bus: DASH, SKIP, JUMP, 225, B, AB

This is a private event organized by concerned citizens. The main focus will be on opposing the privatization of US36, but I-70 will be on the agenda also. We will be discussing how ALEC is connected to road privatization in Colorado as well as the reasons that Glenn Vaad has been nominated to Colorado Public Utilities Commission. I will be there because I am concerned that the US 36 project has changed from a bus project to means to widen more of our roads.

Realistically, it is more likely that we will be able to stop the privatization of I-70, but a good effort to keep all our transportation corridors is necessary for any victories.

24 January 2014

Colorado Springs adds bus service

Fortunately, Colorado Springs is adding bus service, including adding Sunday service.  Colorado Springs is also providing information in Spanish on the same page as the English information, although some of this may come from an translation program rather than an actual person.

Tuesday, January 28 at noon and 5 pm
Colorado Springs City Hall
107 N. Nevada Avenue
Bus: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16

Friday, January 31 at 10 am
Discover Goodwill of Southern and Western Colorado
1460 Garden of the Gods Road
Bus: 14

Each meeting is scheduled to be an hour long. Comments can also be submitted online to transitinfo@springsgov.com. I would encourage anyone who is happy with these changes to say so. If you would like different service, you should say that also.

22 January 2014

May Service Change Public Meetings

Wednesday, January 29 at noon and 6 pm
RTD Administrative Meetings
1600 Blake Street, basement
Bus: 0, 6, 20, 28, 32, 120X, AF, B, L

Not a lot of changes so this might be a good opportunity to bug staff about future changes.

13 January 2014

Northwest Area Mobility Study Public Meetings

More like open houses?

Wednesday, January 15, 5:30-7:30 pm
Westminster City Park Rec Center
10455 Sheridan Boulevard
Bus: 51, 104

Thursday, January 16, 5:30-7:30 pm
Rembrandt Yard
1301 Spruce Street
Bus: 208, HOP, SKIP, Y

Monday, January 27, 5:30-7:30 pm
Longmont Civic Center
350 Kimbark Street
Bus: 323, 324, 327, BOLT

A team of private consultants will report on their research into transit alternatives for the Northwest.

07 January 2014

Nederland is looking for people to help manage their EcoPass program

The County of Boulder is looking for five people to be on the Nederland EcoPass Public Improvement District Advisory Committee. It looks like all members must own property within the district. It sounds like this is a new group, as the location and time of meetings will be determined by the group members and the only information on the committee seems to be on the application which is linked above. For more information contact Jared Hall.

Another committee that might have a transit link is the Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness Advisory Board.

03 January 2014

RTD is holding Two Board Meetings this Month

Board of Directors Meeting - Election of Officers
Tuesday, January 7 at 5:30 pm

Board of Directors Meeting (I am assuming this is more of a regular meeting.)
Tuesday, January 21 at 5:30

Both in the basement of the RTD offices at 1600 Blake Street, Denver

Buses: 0, 10, 28, 32, 44, 120X, AF, B, L

Some of these routes will change on Sunday, January 5. Links are to the schedules at the times that the meetings are held.

Anyone can get a copy of the packet that is given to board members and/or speak for three minutes before each meeting.

RTD is doing more and more of its decisions at these meetings, so they are worth going to.